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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Got any scientific knowledge at all? Then you can help with WiSci, SFN's official science wiki! It's a scientific encyclopedia that any registered user can contribute to, and we need many more users to help. If you have some spare time and English skills, just drop by, register, read the introduction, and start editing! With WiSci, we hope to start a truly scientific encyclopedia that is of high enough quality to publish, with a peer-review process being designed. Please help SFN create this resource for the community! mods: it IS a SFN project... it's just blike hasn't put up the links in the sidebar yet, so I couldn't help but ruthlessly advertise. do PM me if you object
  2. General Discussion doesn't count for postcount. Forums have been around since 2002 I think. Congratulations... I hope you don't turn into me.... I had 25 posts per day for a while.
  3. 'Why-sye' is how I pronounce it. and rakuenso, have you done anything with it?
  4. I've found that a lot of people simply memorize material instead of actually trying to understand it.
  5. "History: Fiction or Science?" by Anatoly T. Fomenko, "leading mathematician of our time". http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/2913621058/qid=1139183154/sr=2-2/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_2/103-0563376-1799031?s=books&v=glance&n=283155 "Just because I have a book and an impressive name doesn't mean I'm right."
  6. I've seen patented perpetual motion machines, as well as books about how all of history is wrong and was invented in the Renassaince. Just because you have a patent and a book doesn't mean you're right.
  7. You get a five-second ad before it shows the actual website.
  8. By USB I think he means he wants it to run off of a 5-volt USB plug in any regular computer.
  9. I've tried that before, and got absolutely no response.
  10. .tk is irritating because it forces advertisements in and makes every page on your site have the same URL, so you can't link to content.
  11. Note that you have to use the www or it doesn't work.
  12. While I don't quite agree with your views (can't blame you for having them) I'll agree that it's a well-organized and nicely done website.
  13. And Windows.
  14. It was originally a PNG that looked very nice, but I had to make it GIF to make it transparent properly in IE. What do you mean default background pic? There's the logo: http://www.wisci.org/w/skins/common/images/WiSci-logo.gif or the actual book-background thingy: http://wisci.org/w/skins/monobook/headbg.jpg
  15. I didn't think we needed any research to prove that they're cold.
  16. I can read 400 words per minute and I wouldn't call it slow. If I really try, I can hit 1000, but I think it really isn't worth the effort. You don't need classes. What I do, in fact, is (without even thinking) skipping over things that look boring. It means I don't get as much out of it, but it works very well on textbooks and such where a lot of it is just extra detail and the real concepts are presented right to you.
  17. Achoo! 'Scuse me.... sorry for the rain.
  18. That site has some odd PHP restrictions (PHP-CGI) and I don't know if it would be good for a CMS.
  19. Wikicities, being a wiki host, means that anyone could edit her articles. Your best solution would be to get a free webhost and a simple content management system.
  20. Bit more realistic size, I think.
  21. Scientific American is more technical with more content. Popular Science focuses on current technology (latest gadgets, computers, etc) while Scientific American goes for medical and things we won't see for a while.
  22. *bump* Come on, people! There are two users (ben and dak, thanks you two) who are doing most of the work here! WiSci has potential... all we need is people to notice it.
  23. And I think herme3 has also forgotten that not all relationships end with someone broken-hearted. Sometimes both realize that the other is not for them, so there's no problem with attachment.
  24. New Scientist is a very nice (but expensive) weekly magazine.
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