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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. (To boot in safe mode, hit F8 a bunch during start-up and choose it from the menu that comes up) Also run a virus scan while you're at it, because I've had Ad-Aware choke on a virus as well.
  2. So in the List All Modes screen, you can't change anything? If you could, you could just set it to the right one... I'm baffled. Try asking at Neowin. They have a lot more technical members.
  3. I see that in the main window, you have one otehr option besides 640 by 480--can you use that? Try going into the game to change the resolution. edit: and what Bettina said
  4. Mine says default monitor as well, but I can change the settings. Care to take a screenshot so I can see what's going on? I don't know which tab you need to go to, as it varies based on what sort of graphics card you have.
  5. I see. That limits it to your graphics driver. Update that and see if it has its own settings panel (Right click on desktop->Properties->Settings->Advanced)
  6. What do you mean by "it won't let me change the settings"? Are they greyed out or what? Right click on your desktop->Properties->Settings
  7. Is the quality of PNGs produced by Maple the problem, or is it the resulting PDF?
  8. There is always the possibility of you using OpenOffice, as there is a Math program included that lets you insert equations into your text files. It also does PDF exports.
  9. Unfortunately that ruling only applies to Pennsylvania, which means that there are a lot more cases to come. And Phi: But at least it would be satisfying to do...
  10. Although considering ID has no evidence besides saying "evolution is wrong," it would be hard to come up with any substance for that. I think the talkorigins challenges to evolution/their responses page is good, but that's not quite what I was intending for this guide (it could be linked to, of course). I was thinking of a good description of evolution and a good description of ID. Talkorigins' description of evolution is rather complex, so I think a good and simple (but complete) description of evolution and its evidence is in order.
  11. And at exactly the right time, it's down. ...and up again. I'll look and see. hmm... their definition of evolution is very complex and I don't think it would work on the average troll... needs to be simpler.
  12. But explaining things using logic removes the fun!
  13. SFN needs to compile a set of guides to evolution and ID that can then be put into a PDF/thread/whatever for future IDiots to reference to, or for education about evolution. The following would be a good start: A good description of evolution and its evidence A good description of ID (non-biased) and how it doesn't have evidence A comparison of the two and logical evaluation I'm willing to help out, and I know there are a few threads that list evolution's evidence and such. It would only take a bit of research and then some writing. I'd be fine compiling and editing the bits in OpenOffice and then making it into a snazzy PDF (after the holidays, of course). Comments?
  14. Whoa there. Firefox already has a quirks mode that will run IF the site has no doctype declaration. If it does have one, then that means that the webmaster is essentially saying "this site uses x standard" so Firefox assumes that it can render it that way. Unfortunately, IE renders things differently. Like the box model. Using exactly the same commands will result in something entirely different. Simply because IE screws it up while Firefox follows the standards. IE also doesn't have support for alpha channels in PNGs, which means transparency in high-quality images is impossible (GIFs are limited to 256 colors, PNGs 16 million) and forcing designers to work around it. And so on.
  15. That's what I was thinking they could do... essentially, they'd have the same priveliges as a moderator of that forum. I was thinking that once interest built up, a hidden forum for this usergroup could be made so that someone could post their news there, and others would give suggestions and comments. Once it was approved by several others, it would be moved to the public news forum. I have a feeling that at the moment it mostly involves if a moderator bothers to look and see if any need approval.
  16. 2.0 will only have bug fixes for "all crash, dataloss, leak, and security fixes from 1.8.0.x [Gecko] releases." Sure, I'll just take your word for it... No, really. Source, please. I already have Thunderbird, so I don't need the Mozilla suite, and I've never heard of the other two. Opera definitely seems a lot faster...
  17. Actually, Opera is roughly equivalent in standards support (a bit better in HTML, a bit worse in CSS) and Opera 9 is going to change a lot of that (CSS3 selectors, oh my!). Opera has a decent popup blocker. Opera rarely has security holes, so I don't care about patch time. In fact, the only unpatched vulnerability is marked "Not critical" by Secunia, whereas in Firefox has three unpatched, marked "Less critical" (although that's still pretty good). I am missing extensions, however, though the only one I used regularly was Adblock. Oh well.
  18. Sayonara would be one to ask about this, but anyways... IE has a few oddities such as the box model, which controls how objects are placed one the page when they're contained inside another object. IE does this its own way, rather than following the standards, which means web designers have to compensate for that. This is just one example, of course. Firefox does have a "quirks mode" that it uses if pages do not declare a DOCTYPE, but many have a doctype and use IE-specific HTML at the same time.
  19. Could it be that it's contaminated with something like natural gas, that is designed to smell really nasty?
  20. Indeed. It also seems generally faster at rendering.
  21. I've looked around and found a few distributed computing projects that would probably be worthwhile to run. All of these use BOINC, which means you can use them at the same time. Einstein@home is a project to detect pulsars by their gravitational waves alone. If it's done, it would be a major achievement. LHC@home is another project, by the people at CERN, to test different possibilities for particle orbits in the upcoming Large Hadron Collider. The idea is to find out which ones result in particles hitting the walls of the collider, which would damage it. Climateprediction.net is a project to forecast the climate using computer modeling, so that scientists can tweak parameters just to see what happens. Anybody have any other ideas? (I was going to use these on the laptop here, but it overheats when they run... going to put it on the desktop)
  22. Actually, ecoli is right. And speaking of right, you have no right to tell him to stop posting here.
  23. https://addons.mozilla.org/extensions/moreinfo.php?id=10&application=firefox Best extension there is.
  24. I meant that I was missing the adblock extension for Firefox, which blocks banner ads. Opera has a popup blocker but no decent banner ad blocker.
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