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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. It's the same as the old Mozilla. It's just that the Mozilla Foundation dumped it in favor of Firefox, and so an independent group is developing it.
  2. You've forgotten that evolution doesn't include the bit about amino acids forming from nothing.
  3. http://www.weatherwars.info/ Oh dear. Take a look through his site.
  4. I sense imminent flaming. Duck! Note that I will not participate in it, as I would rather see what nice insults others can throw.
  5. Congrats Mokele. I see your first thread closing was also the most well-deserved one.
  6. I didn't know he was named Waldo.
  7. The sheer number of links to Pulsoid Theory that Poo has posted make me think he's trying to improve his Google ranking--many of the links are unnecessary.
  8. He simply has little spare time. He also got a new job.
  9. Quintuple posts aren't appreciated. That's what the "Edit" button is for.
  10. What exactly was proved ludicrous by Hubble? That's not what the rest of science seems to say. So "my theory is right because it's the only theory that may or may not work at the moment." Just like aether.
  11. You still haven't given us any evidence.
  12. Another call for help. Version 1.0 may be out soon, so I'd like someone capable of helping me advance the featureset for 1.2. I can't do it all by myself, you know.
  13. I think the main problem with this discussion is that it is going nowhere. Proof of One, if you can give us some sort of math that can PROVE your theory is correct, I think that would fix something. The point with theories is to give evidence that shows it's better than the rest, not attacking the rest and giving yourself no credibility. I hate arguments like these.
  14. 1. I'd like to see you prove your little probability excercise there. 2. Evolution is not random chance. It is simply the worst die off, leaving the best behind. 3. You are confusing abiogenesis with evolution. EVOLUTION HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CREATION OF LIFE. You can come up with any idea you want for that. Evolution concerns animals changing characteristics over time, NOT BEING CREATED. Do you understand that?
  15. I just mumble it.
  16. 1. Fix your link. 2. Respond to arguments without strawmanning. 3. Read the evidence we give you. 4. Read this. 5. For your sources, find a credible site, not one dedicated to destroying evolution. We tend to trust impartial sites more. Although sites that give plenty of evidence and links to OTHER SOURCES may help. 6. Read through threads in the Evolution forum and get a bit of education. 7. Shut up about the Piltdown Man and all that crap. Thank you.
  17. Oh dear, not this thread again.
  18. No, old windows are wavy because it's blown glass, not sheet glass.
  19. If you go to the sourceforge page and click Browse CVS you can also view the code for individual pages. The download link on SF is the version from when I started the project. In other words, it's crap. About the installer: I wanted to make a file that would automatically fill in config.php, you see, but I'm worthless if you want me to do manual file open/closing. Thanks for your offer to help!
  20. I don't remember the acronym, but I do remember that it essentially allows you to use JavaScript to get a page without actually reloading the page. If you have gmail, you've seen it. All it does in IPB is allow you to do things like edit your post without leaving the thread view, moderators to edit thread titles without leaving forum view, etc. It doesn't force you to reload the page.
  21. I'd say IPB, simply because while they may add features, they don't go bonkers over it and add every little stupid thing like vBulletin does. AJAX, for example -- vBulletin put piles of it in, but IPB's implementation looks quite nice.
  22. Indeed. I'll see what I can whip up for us. I'll have to look through the CSS here to see what the background color is exactly... Perhaps I could make a theme called "SFN" for use here, and the default would be the one for everybody else. We'll see how it looks.
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