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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. The biggest reason I come here is to fight idiocy.
  2. It's the same basic program with the same basic holes, just modified to do files instead of internet.
  3. Microsoft IS PART OF THE STANDARDS-CREATING GROUP, you idiot. * No, it's just that IE is so integrated with the OS that its security holes all affect the OS, even if you don't use IE. How do you make it compatible without making a standard for all web pages to be built by? *You deserved it. Sorry.
  4. I'd like to know, that while Firefox is protected by its small userbase, it is also protected by the fact that the Mozilla foundation releases a patch for any large hole in just a few days. At last count, Exploder had 30-some UNPATCHED holes in it (by Secunia's count, anyways). Firefox had perhaps three.
  5. Worms 4 is looking pretty good. PC for me.
  6. Never mind the CVS, I figured it out. If you want klaynos, sign up for SourceForge and I'll put you in as a "troubleshooter" or something.
  7. Bleh. Anybody that has CVS experience (but not PHP really), I need help with that too. Argh.
  8. Sure. I definitely need it. Anybody else interested?
  9. I'm working on a new wiki software along with dave (maybe aeternus as well), mainly to use for SFN's OpenScience wiki (if we can do it fast enough). Anyways, I'd like to ask if there are any experienced PHP and MySQL developers here. I mean experienced as in able to do coding without referring to a dozen tutorials on the way. Also you ought to know how to deal with security issues if necessary. If you would like to join us, and you know you have enough time and will to work on the project, register at SourceForge and tell me your account name. I will add you. If you turn out to be a crappy coder, I'll just boot you out. Don't join unless you know you can do it. Moderators: dave approved this post, so don't tell me it's advertisement
  10. blike: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sc-wiki/ It's been redubbed scWiki. Hope you like the software.
  11. He's asking where the reference to flying airliners into American buildings is.
  12. I vote we make a book that explains evolution, then mail it to the idiots. Or provide it for free, like the Bibles you find in hotel rooms everywhere.
  13. I forgot the "except when interpreted by a computer" bit.
  14. Binary is a numbering system. It doesn't actually do anything except count. It's a base-two numbering system--we have base ten.
  15. From the Science Forums Etiquette thread. Tell me why I'm wrong.
  16. You'd have to wait for the methane to disperse in the wind for a while, to get the "huge fireball." But essentially, it's possible.
  17. Well, it is known that methane is bad for piston engines in planes (a large amount of it at once kills them) and probably jets too. If you released a pile of methane at once, any flights overhead would most likely have engine failures. Boats might as well. The could would then spread and disperse. Spark = kaboom.
  18. ^ don't be nasty. Frankly I don't know if the methane could combust underwater. If there was an oxidizer nearby, or if the navy accidentaly spilled Otto fuel, it could combust. Perhaps.
  19. Blike, if you'd like to test out my wiki, you can find a beta at http://www.homeworkrocket.com/awiki/
  20. No, people did use it, but blike's host killed it for some reason or another.
  21. I like Aeternus's name idea: WiSci. I say go for it. I'll see if I can get my own wiki software finished up enough to use.
  22. There are bbcode "hide" tags, [ hide] and [/ hide] [hide]Spoilers go here[/hide]
  23. You got it rather quick. That's what it is.
  24. Yes. Except this time, let's do it right and get the entire community in on it. More publicity!
  25. I think we'd put the sphere slightly outside Earth's orbital radius.
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