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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Cap'n Refsmmat


    Wait--if you use a flashlight, then "the energy from the beam will allow the ghosts to materialize," thus making the experiment worthless for comparison.
  2. Yes, General Ripper. I've heard. Dr. Strangelove joke, everybody. General Ripper went on and on about the Commie conspiracy of flourination.
  3. Combustible Pork Chops. (don't ask)
  4. Yes, that is pretty much correct. Although I'd rather say "Bush is terrible, he doesn't know how to control the world." Using 'is', 'am', or 'are' is typically better than just using it like an adjective.
  5. 'I, who is terrible'- the I is simply stating who we are talking about. Imagine it this way--take the I and substitute it with your name. That's what pronouns do--you just say 'it' instead of 'the car.' Just think of a pronoun as a substitute for saying the real word. It acts the same way.
  6. Because in that case, you're not modifying the pronoun. The pronoun simply tells you what who is upset, huge, or whatever. It is not modified. If you say "the blue me" however, that is modifying a pronoun. Not allowed.
  7. It's already been done, except not to make people into evil zombies. There are viruses that can attack cells and activate/deactivate genes. Scientists hope to use these to solve genetic diseases.
  8. Cap'n Refsmmat


    I'd also like to point out that "what makes sense" is not always what is true in science. It might make sense that we have to have a soul, but science has yet to find evidence about it. Quantum mechanics hardly "makes sense" to most people, but its equations work (nearly) perfectly.
  9. Cap'n Refsmmat


    a) energy wouldn't be affected by Earth's gravity enough to do that. (light needs a heck of a lot of gravity just to bend the beam) b) Earth's gravitational field is (nearly) uniform anyways. What type of book is this anyways?
  10. There are bbcode tags for it. [ bubble] [/ bubble] Details: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/misc.php?do=bbcode
  11. Please read JaKiri's post further up this page. edit: it seems you have already addressed that. Well then... try addressing the rest of his post for us.
  12. I remember reading he admitted it was a hoax, right before he left, but now I can't find a link. Hmmm...
  13. Our high school teaches Java and C...
  14. You ought to make the background of the one in your avatar transparent.
  15. Cap'n Refsmmat


    It looks exactly like what I see when there's a tiny water droplet on my glasses, and there's a bright light nearby.
  16. To quote another person in another thread: If the weight isn't moving, it's not work. (sorry I can't explain it any better than that, this is just something I dug up from another thread)
  17. Or you could try http://johnhaller.com/jh/mozilla/portable_firefox/
  18. Pulling the arrows out of the body might be a bit gruesome, mind you, but you'd have to, to leave no evidence.
  19. For people like this, repeating points can be helpful.
  20. Indeed it does work. Thanks. However, if someone forgets the http:// part, then the URL becomes relative to the script and it gets rather messy. Do you think I ought to require http:// or just auto-replace? (have one regex for with, one for without)
  21. Time travel is discussed in detail in numerous threads around this forum. You can't be saying you know more about it than the rest of us. Or that Titor's description is accurate, which proves that he could be real. We'll have to wait to find out
  22. Cap'n Refsmmat


    What about the Virgin Mary on a piece of grilled cheese, the highway overpass, and frying pan? Coincidence?
  23. ...which means that anything he says about his past doesn't matter at all to us, because it's not really his past he was in.
  24. Cap'n Refsmmat


    Whooops. Silly me.
  25. All right. More questions. Could you change these regexps from eregi to pregi? I hear preg_ functions are faster. $article_text = eregi_replace("\[url=([^(javascript)][^\[]+)\]([^\[]+)\[/url\]","<a href=\"\\1\" target=\"_blank\">\\2</a>", $article_text); $article_text = eregi_replace("\[url\]([^(javascript:)][^\[]+)\[/url\]","<a href=\"\\1\" target=\"_blank\">\\1</a>", $article_text); (working on bbcode tables at the moment)
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