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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Cap'n Refsmmat


    What it is supposed to be is Lenin materializing on a shower curtain.
  2. Cap'n Refsmmat


    Alright herme3... Give me an explanation of this: I'd like to see what you make of it.
  3. Most scientists say "matter cannot be created or destroyed" doesn't apply to the start/end of the universe.
  4. Actually I did read that, I was just sort of agreeing with you. I didn't really mean to make it look like I was arguing. Sorry. That happens to me a lot. Did he leave an explanation of what would happen if he tried to modify his own timeline?
  5. Copy/paste them into the appropriate directory then?
  6. Then why did he interact with internet forums? He's sparked many websites saying "we all need to change are lives so we don't get into nuclear war." If that's not interfering, what is? The wikipedia article claims that there are many IBM experts who have come forward to confirm his claim. Shh! They're not supposed to know that!
  7. http://www.technosailor.com/firefox-on-a-thumb-drive
  8. He could be an IBM guy with a degree in physics. In different instances he also said it would start in 2004. Titor already specified that there would be "Waco-like events" every month. Have we noticed any of these? Now, I can imagine, if we could contact those who actually had contact with him in the physical world- not the internet- we could verify it. But he never left any details that would let people verify his story, besides the predictions.
  9. He just presented his evidence:
  10. He stated specifically "keeping the circuit itself intact."
  11. Ideally, you'd start simple. PHP is quite easy to learn (it's a "loose" language) and it's similar to C in syntax. After PHP you could easily work on C.
  12. Indeed. I wonder just how many underinformed there would be, however. Many of them refuse to believe the facts, rather than suffer from a lack of information; CNN and all of the other networks really get coverage of the elections out to an extent that it becomes annoying. I know of many people who would rather believe that George Bush eats babies than accept the truth and realize he isn't a cannibal. It's more fun to believe the Weekly World News.
  13. That would be debatable. Genetics could be the study of genetic diseases in medicine, or in life in general. Specifics?
  14. Again, just because there is more interest in a topic does not mean that there is more truth in it. After all, if you type in "bananana" on Google, you get 11,200 results. That doesn't mean it's a correct spelling of the word "banana."
  15. The problem with making it optional is that people with strong opinions are more likely to vote than those who only have mild interest. A politician who can get strong supporters would probably be more successful than one who can get a large pool of indifferent voters who really don't care, but vote for him. When you make voting compulsory, then everybody with an opinion votes. That makes it a much better representation of the general population, rather than the motivated "let's vote!" people. This is just the same as in many web sites, where people who hate the site voice their opinion a lot more than those who like it.
  16. That depends. If you've read To Kill a Mockingbird, you can see the obvious disadvantages of having a jury--bias. But there's no guarantee that judges are going to be unbiased either. Juries just mean you need more biased people to make a wrong conviction. Corruption in a law system, as in many countries, often means that it doesn't matter if you get a jury or not. The question of "which is better" depends a lot on the implementation of the system, and the crookedness of the people implementing it.
  17. As far as I know, a lot of herbs and compounds for sale are only backed by "our tribal healers have used them for centuries" type of deals. A lot of them can cause problems when mixed together and taken in quantities (many people do this because they want to be super healthy by eating the most herbal remedies possible). I've heard of a few studies vindicating some of the herbs, but there are so many of them that it's quite possible that many of them are just made up.
  18. Google != truth. It may bring information but it doesn't guarantee that it's true. Saying that Gettysburg Ghosts gets google results is most likely from the ghost tours and all that stuff.
  19. That would be the same thing as shorting it out. With no resistance, you'd suck up a lot of electricity very quickly. Most likely you'd blow a fuse or the circuit breaker. This is what ground-fault interrupt outlets are for: if it's shorted out (which is what happens if you drop a hair dryer in the bathtub and electrocute yourself, or whatever), it cuts the current before you can get injured.
  20. When I was in Gettysburg for a few days, I noticed that there was a tremendous number of ghost tours and such. The tourist industry noticed a few occurences and then capitalized on it, overhyping everything. They turn every little occurence into some big ghost story, so the tourists will be willing to pay a few bucks. I have to ask: if Gettysburg is so bad, why do we never hear about Antietam or any other battlefield? Or even a WWI or WWII battlefield in France or Germany?
  21. ...and the only way we can get information out of them is by blasting them to smithereens. I'd expect Tempel 1 may have more of a pronounced tail now, due to the fact that we just exposed quite a bit of rock from its center. I'd assume that it would cause a tail until the crater is cleaned of debris. edit: dang it! sorry for double post. The thing told me I had to wait 25 seconds, and when I came back later and reposted, it was already there somehow...
  22. ...and the only way we can get information out of them is by blasting them to smithereens. I'd expect Tempel 1 may have more of a pronounced tail now, due to the fact that we just exposed quite a bit of rock from its center. I'd assume that it would cause a tail until the crater is cleaned of debris.
  23. I've had a few problems before with SFN, when some of the images would get mixed up or vanish entirely, and it cleared up with the cache. by the way, dave, the #sfn statistics link in your sig gives a 404 error.
  24. For more information, try reading The Fabric of the Cosmos by Brian Greene. Fabulous book.
  25. I have a feeling it's on your end. Everything loads fine for me. I had a similar problem on another site where none of the images loaded (it showed the alternate text) and then I discovered that it had somehow gotten onto my "Block images from this site" thing in Firefox.
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