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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. I tried to discredit him, but my review didn't get through. I guess I was a bit too scathing.
  2. Dang it! All of those maps things think I live in the house next door! A good satellite image site is http://terraserver.microsoft.com
  3. Quartz should always be there. Sure you're at the right place? The last time I tried to open that pdf Firefox crashed... I hate the Acrobat Reader plug-in.
  4. The scores I got ranged from 186 to 126. I'd like to believe the 186 but I think it's a wee bit off.
  5. Because you're acting like a server to do online games and such (if you're hosting).
  6. I'm afraid you're a bit late. Seeing as the enthusiasm has died down quite a bit, I don't really know if this will ever be completed. I do have the first chapter done, however. We could just make this a community project by letting everybody add a chapter...
  7. Oh? I can see the option to post a poll. It's down near the bottom, where it says "Yes, post a poll with this thread". Not in replying to this, but in a new thread.
  8. You'd need to make a new thread for it. The poll options are near the bottom in the "new thread" page.
  9. Yep, it doesn't work for me either.
  10. Hah! I dissected a frog, a worm, and a lobster in THIRD GRADE! The only memory I have of it is how stinky the formaldehyde was, and the stuff we pulled out while we were doing it... Although it was a private school. I know of someone who had to do live frogs. They'd stun them by sticking a probe into their neck. He stuns this frog, flips it over, and opens it up. Suddenly, the frog woke up, and it lept away. Of course, it left all of its guts behind. Probably the most disgusting thing I've heard of.
  11. I've seen this before. Try doing a search on SFN. I think someone already asked.
  12. Sounds like either a hoax, or some guy's going to be pretty dissappointed when he tries it out... The physics involved are all purely theoretical, as nobody has seen a wormhole before. Nobody knows how they work really, and nobody can find out unless we see a wormhole. Don't hold your breath at the demonstration.
  13. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=2444 http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=2577 http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=7 http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=1931 http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=4503 Those should help.
  14. We did this in math class a few years ago. Apparently the way they make you add it and whatever makes it always the one set of numbers. Look for a pattern in the pictures.
  15. Okay, but since I did some titles on my other one that died, I'll have to use both (on different computers). Bleh. Unless FreeDV does titles.
  16. (Area code) 555-5555 (replace the fives with the number)
  17. Can I burn avi onto a DVD? MPEGs are what the camera gives me.
  18. Well, I need to do MPEGs. My editor just died on me, so what can I do? VirtualDub doesn't seem to be working right. Vegas doesn't want to open MPEGs.
  19. Well, now that the buttons are back again, I must say it was a bit startling at first... I guess I'm just not used to them. I do like them though. Go alt_f13!
  20. They're back to the default now. Although I apparently missed it when Blike had changed them to alt_f13's. I guess it's because he hasn't completed all of them yet.
  21. I also think that along with new buttons, it would be nice if the style could be tweaked a bit. The generic one gets kind of boring after a while, and I think it would be nice if you tweaked it a bit to make it nicer.
  22. I'd wait on that--he hasn't made a New Topic button and so on. I'd wait until it was all complete.
  23. I love them! Try the New Topic button and so on... I think they definitely look better than the default style. One suggestion: In the Quote button, don't have it in quotation marks... just leave it by itself. The quotation marks are kind of silly.
  24. Just why does the general public need to see it anyways?
  25. Why bother? If you made the program automatically put it in seperate text files instead of the same one each time (like have it do a new one every ten minutes), and then print them out seperately, that would work.
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