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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. My brother managed to pry all of the keys off of the keyboard once (when he was like 4). So yes, it is possible.
  2. The java chat doesn't work for me (blank window)... if you use Firefox for a browser, just get Chatzilla and it works fine.
  3. No, I wanted to extract a CVS file into the actual files--like turn it into phpBB 3.0 I figured it out, so don't worry.
  4. No, not the pharmacy. I've been trying to download a CVS file to test it out on my computer (phpBB 3 actually). However, all I get is a file that Windows has no idea what to do with, and I can't figure out my CVS client (TortoiseCVS). So can someone tell me how to take the file on my computer and set it up so I actually have the files for phpBB3 there? I'd like to test it. edit: hey, it made my title lowercase!
  5. Yes. No, wait. It needs a certain interference pattern of light to work, and changing the size of the image may change the interference pattern. Is there a physicist in the house?
  6. Animal cloning could be used for nearly-extinct species, to create more to reproduce.
  7. Well, I took everybody's advice and went with phpBB. I'll say, it's quite nice really. I like how much of a variety of skins and mods there are, although the administration panel is kind of lacking in options. Fortunately, I think that by the time my forum gets big, phpBB 3.0 will be out (I hope).
  8. No. You move the letter, not delete it.
  9. No. It always appears to be going at c, or the speed of light in a vacuum, relative to you, no matter how fast you are going. If an observer watches the guy going 500 mph, the light does not appear to go at c+500, it only goes at c exactly.
  10. Does anyone know if the Windows Movie Maker is any good?
  11. No. If you were to be going 500 mph, and you turned on a flashlight, the light would shoot ahead at the speed of light relative to you. To an observer, it would appear to go the speed of light relative to them. So it appears to go slightly different speeds (with you it is going ahead at c, but you are going 500 mph as well). I know it's confusing.
  12. FireWire or USB, either way, I believe.
  13. Ahem. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=3967
  14. I'm taping a video and I need to put the bits together and add subtitles, etc. Nothing too fancy. erm, Avid FreeDv says that it needs a gigabyte of system memory... yikes. I have half that.
  15. Atomic clocks are not affected by friction. Cesium vibrates the same way with or without friction.
  16. I'm doing a project and I need some good video editing software. Any reccomendations? It should be free, or have a trial that I can use before I have to pay.
  17. Now that just sounds silly. Taking it into account by saying "sry" and misspelling "inconveniencing" as well? I don't want to be mean, I'm just saying it would be easier if you could slow down and think when you type. But a good theory would have some sort of reasoning and evidence. You have not put forth either of these (not in a recognizable form, anyways) while Einstein and others have. "I heard" holds absolutely no respect on this forum. As seen in this post by Sayonara³. Okay, so you say they were correct. So now it isn't correct. Quit contradicting yourself. I don't want to be rude, I'm just saying you don't make sense.
  18. If they're so implausible, why have scientists proven them correct time and time again? Flukes?
  19. What? Try to make more sense please. Your bit on Einstein demonstrates absolutely no understanding of Relativity whatsoever. How is that? Isn't time another measurement, like distance? Can it not be a dimension, even if it is not spacial?
  20. The computer in most cars, even non-luxury ones, provides several essential functions. It controls cylinder firings and such with combined input from sensors (like the oxygen sensor) to fire at the right time and reduce emissions. Also anti-lock brakes and traction control need some sort of processor to function. And I don't think you can object to that. They work quite well.
  21. This post and so on. Although it is not much of a flame as it is an objection, as I said earlier.
  22. Work is distance and force. There is no movement in this situation. It is not work. Is there a physicist in the house?!
  23. Probably not. The snow would spread out the beam, making it nearly impossible to see at the surface.
  24. But those are not using energy. They are not performing any work at all. You need motion for work. Read Jakiri's post.
  25. Remember Basil the Rat? Sorry, I just had to ask.
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