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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. The worst part is, you can't detect gamma rays until they reach us, and then it's too late. Creepy.
  2. Well then you should send him a PM. If an administrator thinks your post needs to be changed, for any reason, they have the right to. It's part of being an administrator. But this is offtopic. Can you tell us why you think psychology is an art? The study of the human mind has to be a science in my opinion. Being a psychiatrist, though, is different, as you have to deal with humans, and that takes a certain skill.
  3. Mine is from the game Worms. (actually, it just uses the characters from it, and a worm who is supposed to look like Dilbert's boss) http://www.team17.com
  4. It's not as much a flame as just people objecting. Post #9 on down.
  5. Gravity wouldn't slow it down. Friction would. If there was no friction, then it would keep going forever. Example: The gravity accelerates you to 500 kilometers per hour as you reach the center. As you went out the other way, it would slow you down exactly that much when you got to the opening. Then you'd fall backwards again, repeating the process. Also: Who is "mark"?
  6. An example y = 1 x = 0 x = y++ //x now equals 1, because y was incremented after it was assigned to x x = ++y //x is three, because y is incremented before.
  7. Time is relative. Also, the perception of time can change based on the situation you are in; if you are in a stressful situation, it appears to slow down, even though an outside observer watching you thinks nothing's changed.
  8. No. Matter is equivelant to energy, by the equation E=MC², meaning you can convert matter to energy and get a result based on that equation. But they are not the same.
  9. When you hear the 6 A.M. one, look outside. Sounds like a piston-engined plane or a blimp. If the windows shook in class, that's most likely a sonic boom. If the airport is a fighter base or supersonic aircraft are being tested there, that explains it. However, the military usually tries to avoid supersonic speeds above civilians.
  10. Do you think there would be enough interest in it to warrant a seperate forum for it? Many new forum ideas have been turned down because of that.
  11. That's weird. Are you near a fighter base? They don't fly the SR-71 anymore, so spyplanes wouldn't be causing any sonic booms-they're subsonic now. Describe the hum. Does it sound like a motor? That's kind of funny... sounds like Area 51 stories.
  12. This one?
  13. Haha! It's insults for nerds.
  14. Couldn't the USAF have spent $25 for an internet connection, and then come here and looked at all of the threads saying that teleportation was impossible?
  15. Heh... I had seen that already on Google. I'm set up with Mambo right now, and it's quite nice, except ridiculously complicated. I'll do some research and pick a good one eventually.
  16. I believe it allows BMP, JPG, PNG, and GIF. I'd use PNG or GIF. GIF is best for "cartoony" images (256 colors only), and PNG is good for "real" ones.
  17. I think the nature of those is that they have to reproduce it the same size. If you enlarge it, you lose the image since it gets dim (light is spread out). Of course, I could just be raving. I don't know much about optics.
  18. You can put me in. The classic Captain Refsmmat was "the ideal flight controller" from NASA. He had an array of medals, a pot helmet which hinged open to reveal a radar antenna, the proper de-orbit attitude inscribed on his glasses, and a pouch of refsmmats on his belt. Although if you want to stay within reality, you can just portray me as a former flight controller scientist guy who's eccentric. Nobody knows my real name, and just calls me "Cap'n" or whatever. I'm an expert on spaceflight and computers.
  19. What's the point of a spacecraft if it can't have any electronics? Humans can't survive without the life-support equipment. Computers are used to control descent so people don't burn up. There can be no sensors or radar to help guide them into orbit and then re-enter.
  20. Isn't punishment the point of a justice system?
  21. Wouldn't the magnets destroy any electrical equipment inside the spacecraft? Also, you have to account for atmospheric friction, so you would have to launch it much faster as it goes through the thickest part of the atmosphere. You would need heat shields both ways.
  22. What's the point? Wouldn't you find it a lot worse to be rotting in prison for the rest of your life? Although it is cheaper than paying to keep someone in prison for 50 years.
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