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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Look at the attached image. There's a bug under Sayo's name. From the "Scorpion King" thread.
  2. He just fasted and died? Must not be very intelligent buggers. Sorry to hear it.
  3. Don't you just love websites like that?
  4. I'd have to say that the worst I've had (I'm pretty pain-free compared to some of you) was getting 8 novocaine injections in the mouth. My dentist was pretty over-enthusiastic with the novocaine... I was quite woozy afterwards. Also I'm immune to the nitrous oxide, so that didn't help...
  5. How is he getting around bans? Going to public computers? Man... lately, we've been having quite a few of these types of people. I'm sure Phi told you about the one which was swearing at us, and then there's Artorius, and then toni... my... What's going on?
  6. Such an impact like that would also blast Mars to smithereens, since it is smaller than Earth. Enough impact to create the Moon would probably destroy Mars-and, I believe, the scientists were making the estimate for a head-on collision, not a glancing blow. Nice idea though.
  7. Try asking the teacher. He won't bite. If you're too scared, you could write him a note.
  8. Explain.
  9. ecoli: http://www.chirobase.org/ Yes, I would advise you to visit a proper doctor first. For the foot, it's probably just a pulled muscle or pinched nerve or whatever; a physical therapist (or some rest) can help fix that. I've had that neck thing happen to me, all you do is wait. It goes away after a while.
  10. Just because the numbers correlate doesn't mean they're the cause. The number of personal computers in the last ten years increased... which coincides nicely with the drop in puberty age. See?
  11. I know that. I'm saying that science says it can't be done. It is not a technological limitation.
  12. It will be locked eventually.
  13. Like a perpetual motion machine? Those people said it because of the technical limitations of the time; we say this because the elementary laws of science are against it. Those are two different things.
  14. Oh thank you. The thing is, plugging your ears shouldn't do anything; no pressure is released from your ears, so plugging them wouldn't have an effect. I don't think. I had a teacher who believed that you had to do something really silly involving acupressure points and pressing your knuckles on a hard surface; it worked for the one person I saw doing it. However, at the time, I tried it, but screwed up, so I just sat there staring at the clock for 30 seconds like you were supposed to do in the teacher's meathod. It worked just as well. Placebo effect?
  15. Hey! Mine actually works as well. I don't see why plugging your ears can help any.
  16. I do this: Just stare at something for a while without thinking. Just stare. If you do it long enough (30 seconds maybe) you're cured. Works for me.
  17. I do. Now that I wear them, I look weird without them.
  18. Noticably faster. I just have to tweak the last one, since it seems to be drawing a bit early.
  19. He's imaginary.
  20. I have a question. In really complex games such as Halo or whatever, how do they program it to do what it does? I mean, how do you get the computer to manipulate the 3D objects and such, with lighting and all that? What language do they use? Etc. The only games I can make are on my calculator in BASIC. I only know a bit of C++ as well.
  21. Oh I see. That would be relatively simple-it can already do threads, why not profiles?
  22. So when you click on a person to see their profile, you want it to display who? It already does.
  23. What? Which active users list?
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