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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. A search would have gotten you much more information. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=5234 http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=1836 Read those before you tell us it has 128% efficiency.
  2. Send me your version and I'll put in the changes. I'm not going to release it for another three chapters.
  3. Now that is creative.
  4. Doesn't that just waste materials that could be used making a larger 0G envirionment?
  5. Many experiments on the already breaking-down ISS require 0G to see what happens to certain things in microgravity. Adding artificial gravity means you'd need some way to have a section that was not spinning-which is hard enough. Stick with what you've got.
  6. Check email... I'm sending a finished copy edited by Tesseract to you all.
  7. Wasn't home early enough...
  8. Or PHP... although that requires learning the language. I could design a script for that rather easily if you told me what to do, but I'd need my book (and maybe a database, I'm not sure).
  9. No. And the security in using Javascript is minimal, since users can see the password hardcoded in the page.
  10. The problem is that some experiments on the Space Station depend on being pointed steadily at one point. A rotating station couldn't provide that unless the center section was stabilized in some way.
  11. http://www.hfml.science.ru.nl/froglev.html
  12. ...that out of 14 threads on the "New Posts" list, only five are related to science? I guess it's more fun to debate religion or ethics than to talk science. And debates typically last longer than a science thread, which just has an answer and quits (most of the time).
  13. I do believe they have levitated frogs using extremely high powered magnetic fields, so it would be possible for humans. But only if you had enough power, which is unlikely in space.
  14. ...although it's every weak compared to the one required to hold everyone in a spaceship down at 1g.
  15. Are you saying that everyone's parents disapprove of cloning? You need a better argument than that to even begin to prove a point. Give us logical reasons why it's so "disgusting and unappropriate." [sic]
  16. We don't use it because we don't need it. Astronauts are fine in 0G.
  17. And can you imagine what that person does when they're under the influence of the drug? Many crimes (I can look up the percentage, it's large) are committed under the influence of drugs. Legalizing them makes it worse. When you're asking that you might as well ask why people find murder pleasureful, crime fun, and so on. It's hard to explain or understand.
  18. Perhaps if they wore a chunk of metal on their back, it would simulate their weight. However it is impractical to generate such a large magnetic field when you also have all of the spacecraft's equipment to worry about, and also loose bits of metal that may go flying across the ship. Centrifugal force works (spinning), however, scientists have discovered that by putting a vibrating plate beneath the astronauts' feet (with their feet on the plate) will help prevent muscle loss.
  19. Why must you bring things such as this into the discussion? It's rather unlikely that robots that we devolop to do certain tasks will suddenly go off and try to kill us. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showpost.php?p=16294&postcount=18
  20. Actually it's 1 gb, since a gig isn't exactly 1,000. What would happen if I replaced my IDE with a slower one? How would the performance be affected? Would files load up more slowly?
  21. Do you want to participate? If you don't want to help, I'm afraid I can't send it to you. Only for project members. Don't want leaks.
  22. I think the first chapter is ready. Wait until the second and third chapters are done before they get posted.
  23. First chapter is... complete. Email sent to project members. Don't be looking forward to seeing it posted here anytime soon; I have to have it edited and such first.
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