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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. I just adblocked them... heh. I remember sometimes things like The Final Theory (a piece of crap) would be on threads in the pseudoscience forum.
  2. By the way, after a bit of research, I came up with a few more things: Refsmmat has a pot helmet that hinges open revealing a radar antenna, and truth-seeking glasses with the correct deorbit attitude enscribed on them. He wears khaki shorts and boots, and also assorted medals from his career.
  3. This isn't a weight problem, but it is a physician not diagnosing correctly. I have asthma, and for several years as a kid I had a nasty cough. The doctor said "Here, take these cough drops" basically and nothing worked. Nothing. I really had a problem. I was even coughing in my sleep! Finally he admitted it: I have asthma! Why didn't he say it? Apparently, with the insurance I had, it would cost him to admit I had a serious illness. So he didn't want to lose the money. Some of these people really are only in it for the money. Oh yes, good luck to you!
  4. So far: Bad Guys: Sayo--Bad Guy and Evil Genius yourdadonapogos--Another bad guy ed84c--Secret Agent Affairs, if you get what I mean. Good Guys: YT2095--Main Good Guy Dave--YT's sidekick basically. Me--Military Dude Blike--Police Science People 5614--Geek Martin--Geek who knows way too much Bloodhound--Nutty mathematician. Jakiri--Abusive scientist. ecoli-Scientist. Spare Parts: Coquina and Jdona--What he said. No idea what the purpose is. Tesseract--Everybody's favorite background character. Atinymonkey--A monkey. Budullerwragh--Casino owner.
  5. Okay... with my plans and needs it looks like I'll be fine, only with some extra work to do. I'm glad I have piles of spare time.
  6. Actually, I'd like you to know a bit about Cap'n Refsmmat before you do him. Refsmmat was dreamed up by NASA flight controllers in the 60s as the "ideal flight controller." He has the grease marks of the reentry angle on his glasses, a pouch of refsmmats (reference to stable member matrix, which is a navigational thingy), those military pants that Patton wore which are tucked into his boots, and so on. He's a nerd. http://www.jsc.nasa.gov/history/oral_histories/PavelkaEL/ELP_5-9-01.pdf edit: you'll need someone to be Victor Vector, my arch-rival.
  7. Can I have an answer? Methinks I'm going to be doing this soon, if it's approved.
  8. It's Refsmmat, and sure.
  9. We're in google answers! Specifically, this thread. http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=367925
  10. Don't worry. I used to be like that, and I got 25 posts a day. After about a thousand posts I quieted down; now I only post 5 per day.
  11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enzyme
  12. I need to give out my four invites as well... fire away.
  13. If I'm in the index, and I click on the "Last Post" in a forum, it says Forbidden and that I don't have permission to access forums/showthread.php on this forum. If I click on the forum name and go in, everything works. Why?
  14. Sorry, column. It's not an opinion article like an editorial. It's just news in brief. sayo: did you get my email from a while ago? I haven't heard back.
  15. I suppose if the column is successful I could "hire" (with no pay, of course) some people to write articles with me, and I would edit them. That could be considered an editorial, and I'd get more articles.
  16. It is a free-for-all. That's why I can do this. It also doesn't qualify under the "opinion articles poll" (which isn't going towards opinion articles) because the column is factual. I guess the only other editors are the people who want to edit it for me. If you look under the history you will see one or two who decided to help.
  17. You make the libraries yourself. Then you compile.
  18. If you have any ideas for an article, please tell me. I'd like to make one or two a day, and I don't think I'd have enough with the number of ideas I have.
  19. http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/User:Cap%27n_Refsmmat/ScienceNews After a bit of debate, I made a column on Wikinews (a news source that anybody can edit. It's a wiki, like wikipedia) that is all about science and technology news. It's only two days old, so don't expect too much right now. Much of the material is also from my little-used blog which was for the same purpose. However, on Wikinews, I hope to get more attention so I can continue and make this a great souce for science news.
  20. The quote would still remain, because it's fixed and doesn't depend on the source post. So that would be kind of odd...
  21. It would certainly save me a bit of trouble when I seriously goof up. Perhaps we could have a few different styles to choose from too. Couldn't hurt to be able to have a different style now and then.
  22. Because GD isn't related to science. It's basically a forum for all of the off-topic stuff. The post count is supposed to be for your meaningful posts.
  23. You'd need to match blood types at least.
  24. I still think that the number of categories is ridiculous. It could be condensed some. Also I really would like to be able to delete my own posts. The only other thing I find funny is how many philosophical discussions we get into, on a science forum.
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