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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. So you're refusing to find a link to support your claim. Brilliant. Your idea now has lost even more credibility. A google search for "virus is not software" with quotes placed in all different places, returns no results that are about this topic.
  2. You could buy scuba gear and modify it so it gave you less oxygen than you should have, so then your body has to react.
  3. And I edited it, too.
  4. And those instructions cause things to happen. You're splitting hairs. Before we go further, can you give a link to support your claim?
  5. So Sayo, if a virus is not software (even though software is anything that executes a set of instructions on a computer, which a virus is) and since malware (malicious software) is SOFTWARE, what is a virus? And yes, that is software.
  6. Well, cold water has LOST energy, and where does that energy go?
  7. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=4584
  8. TRUE STORY: A police officer catches a guy speeding down a road in the middle of town. He walks up to the guys door and asks, "Sir, I clocked you at [insanely high number] miles per hour. Just why were you going this fast?" "I gotta go!" "No, sir, you need to explain to me what you were doing or I'll give you a ticket." "I GOTTA GO!" "What?" "I have diarrhea real bad, and, well, I GOTTA GO!" _____________ A police officer pulls a woman over for speeding, and asks her what she was doing. "I wath goingth homb fum te mentis an I ned pankiwer!" Of course, the officer can't tell what she's saying, until about ten minutes later he figures out that she came from the dentist and the painkiller had worn off, and she wanted to get home. Thinking it was a trick, he said, "Ma'am, I've heard that there was a bank robbery, and the description of the car fits this car perfectly. Can I take you in?" "HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME OF BEING A COMMON CRIMINAL! I would do no-- oops..."
  9. Cap'n Refsmmat


    If you were the government, would you reveal all of your top-secret programs to explain some UFO sightings?
  10. Ahem. Okay then. Okay then, tell us, since every teacher I have ever known says that there is only software and hardware, what are viruses?
  11. Friction. You can't go through the atmosphere without friction, which slows you down and is the reason for all of those heat shields.
  12. Isn't malware a type of software? Ah, wikipedia says "malware" is "malicious software" so it IS SOFTWARE!!!!! Or, dictionary.com: It doesn't have to be at the wish of the user.
  13. So true--hair has loads of bacteria on it. I'm not surprised of that- you should report it to the hospital. That nurse was not being sterile or clean at all. I think that should be fixed.
  14. Why eat another animal's poison filter?
  15. Because normal air is only 20% oxygen, and when a flame is put in a atmosphere of pure oxygen it can burn much faster, as there is more oxygen to react with the splint.
  16. That's why I'm not giving mine out.
  17. Because it's in a one-time pad, which is unbreakable. You send them a message in a breakable code, that takes a long time to break, with the key, and then send the next keys in the one-time pad. So they get each new key in an unbreakable code.
  18. The problem with Powerbooks and such is they don't run any other programs. Stupid compatibilty problems.... I hate Macs anyways. BUT ANYWAYS, I also have an old (10 years old) laptop with Windows and it works great. Windows 98, of course, running on 16 MB of RAM and only a 1 gig hard drive. What's wrong with windows on a laptop?
  19. Perhaps you'd encrypt it with a "hard to break" software and send it so by the time they decrypt it, you'd be on a different key.
  20. I have also read the book The Codebreakers, which discusses it in detail. Using the theory of the one-time pad, couldn't you make a code in which the sender gives the key to the recipient in person, then the recipient puts it in. Then in the message, you include the random key to the next message (but encrypted). That way you wouldn't have to keep giving him keys, because they are sent in the unbreakable message. Wouldn't that work?
  21. Okay, this is a bit offtopic, but would an encryption company put in an "admin code" in the program so the government, with suitable court backing, could decrypt your email without doing all of that work?
  22. Why don't the admins/mods get to be spotlighted first because they're the authority?
  23. I think it would be nicer if you explained what it meant... I don't know all of the slang. How about boot and bonnet? That confused me for a while...
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