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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Okay, fine. But are you scared that someone is reading all of your emails and seeing what you do all of the time? BUT BACK TO THE TOPIC, I really like these pictures... fun to look at others' houses and see the cars, try to tell what type they are... and so on. Does anyone actually think that it's a violation of privacy?
  2. Can't you just make them get titles ONLY if the mods want them to, and if they ask, they get "Doesn't Read the Rules" title or something.
  3. Satellite. Military satellites could read the licence plate off of our car... But anyways, no, they could crack it in seconds. It's a commercial software, and besides, to crack a code, you don't just run through al of the keys. You use special techniques that easily crack it in minutes. What do you think they did with Enigma, guess?
  4. What's OpenGPG? Encryption software? Bah... they could read that! Anyways, I have pictures of my house that are very high resolution (relatively) and I can see all the trees and bushes easily. People just show up as dots though. What's strange is the small number of cars on the road...
  5. Did you see the ones earlier in this thread?
  6. I think the roof is white.
  7. This, while being a satire, still looks like our voting situation.
  8. I think we should have some sort of title, even if it's something the mods give us, but this system is kind of boring. The new one should be interesting. You know what I mean? And the "Specialty" thing would be nice, too.
  9. Anybody working on the "Registered User" thing? It's kind of strange looking at it... but if we change the title system like we were discussing I guess we should wait.
  10. http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/09/10/bush.guard.ap/index.html http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,132200,00.html http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stories.nsf/election2004/story/F294B2515CE2378386256F0C001F9831?OpenDocument&Headline=Retired+general+who+helped+CBS+now+says+Bush+memos+look+fake http://www.useless-knowledge.com/articles/apr/sept145.html (that's a bit biased, but true) http://www.chronwatch.com/content/contentDisplay.asp?aid=9658 Apparently those memos are not monospaced like typewriters do (in typewriters there's an equal space between all letters, but computers move ls together, as in ll, but others stay farther apart.) and so they are saying that the memos are fake. Then the DNC decides to put their whole campaign on it. edit: Finding more links, please wait.
  11. I thought that most were from the UK, since all of the posting is done in the morning MY time, or early afternoon their time.
  12. I did a google search and apparently you have to use special lenses in glasses to do that. They did a study with these and discovered that after a day wearing them, the people's vision appeared to look right side-up again. They took the glasses off, and their vision looked upside-down, even though it was like they were BEFORE the whole study!
  13. How come this forum, in its political-type debates, always focuses on America and not the UK or something? We argue about Bush but not Blair. Why?
  14. You realize, of course, if we have more parties then the MAJORITY can hate a candidate and he can still win. You have 3 candidates, and one gets 40% vote, and the others 30 and 30, then he wins, even though most people DON'T want him.
  15. I agree with a lot of this, except for a few: No, there can't be. I TOTALLY agree there. I hadn't thought of that... Of course, bickering is what politicians do best. What happens if there are issues where you can't tell which category it goes in? But the idea sounds good in theory, but still you could end up with people you hate going and doing something in Defense and screwing up the Economy, so the Economy guy gets blamed.
  16. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=5485 http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=3064
  17. 5 days left? Huh?
  18. Yes, but you are trying to say that your priorities are right, and theirs aren't. Actually I think that jordan is right. I don't worry about certain things, because they don't affect me and never will. Other things I have to worry about now, since they'll affect me soon. But others, with different needs, will worry about different things and care about certain issues more than others. So can't you just give opinions on ALL of the issues and not try to make some more important than others? An 18-year old voter may not care about social security, but I'm sure that a 78-year old will. So are you, in saying something about social security, hoping that the audience contains old people? I hate politics.
  19. I don't see what's so bad about it. Is he exempt from gun laws? Should he be?
  20. edit: oops, why can't I delete this? I goofed and now I can't delete it... Go ahead, delete it for me. Thanks.
  21. I said I found it. Now I want to know why CNN and Fox haven't picked it up. For something like this they should.
  22. That article doesn't say he violated any laws. Where's the ORIGINAL article? edit: Never mind, I found it. But there is no "national uproar," it's not even on CNN.
  23. And why can't I find any other stories about it? I tried google news, cnn, and fox and none of them had it.
  24. Holy smokes! Perhaps you should change the fuel/air mix and get it to burn more slowly (don't open the valve as wide) and you could REALLY get a powerful rocket. Ever tried a can of spray paint and a match?
  25. I think it would be funny if he were arrested. Of course, considering his status, I doubt he will be. Would you arrest a presidential candidate?
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