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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. I have a few really nice looking pictures to show you, and how about you folks post your own? http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/
  2. Cap'n Refsmmat


    You never stated that directly.
  3. People these days are getting dumber as it is. So they got to make it look better, don't they? People in my school don't even know how to spell "detectable" or "people."
  4. That doesn't solve the crowding. It's happening at my school. My school is as crowded as heck. The solution? The local government is spending $15 million on a new ELEMENTARY school, not junior high. Plus 117 million dollars for other improvements. No new junior highs. The worst problem is that our building has no air conditioning. I'm going to leave it before they install a new system, and I'll end up in a high school with air conditioning. But it's a set of 3 high schools with 5000 kids total. These high schools aren't very big. They're full. Ugh. I hate the school system.
  5. Time for the DUMB song! The dumb song is the Olympic theme, with DUMB instead of drums. Starter Edition... what will they come up with next? Windows Bathroom Reader Edition?
  6. No. As it goes through the page and renders all of the stuff, it simply skips all of the bad. It doesn't even have commands that tell it what to do with it. It thinks that it's just stuff it doesn't need. Thus it doesn't make a difference.Let's give an example. You're reading a book. Some people read all of the page numbers, but you are faster because you skip all of the page numbers. You don't have to "scan" for them or anything. You just skip them.
  7. What's Quick Load and how do I enable it?
  8. HA! Stupid Microsoft.
  9. Says who it "scans" the page? It simply will not run anything that is nasty. IE will take controls that, say, open your CD drive and execute them, while Firefox will be rendering the page and will just ignore them.
  10. When you go to a page several times it loads it a lot faster.
  11. Cap'n Refsmmat


    He tends to ignore everything people say, and just restate his opinion.
  12. That's why I'd like him to give more detail so I can figure it all out.
  13. It sounds to me like it does a lot of it even with their firewall off, after reading several online reviews and such.
  14. Yes. So I didn't install it.
  15. Yes. Blasted thing.
  16. Uh oh... it told me I should back up my system before installing. I don't want to have to do that.
  17. Not trusted, the stupid thing keeps forgetting my settings... ARGH!
  18. It tightens the "rules" on how they are supposed to access the internet. If they access it differently, it thinks that they are spyware or a virus, and shouldn't be allowed to get online.
  19. Plus you don't actually go to sleep. Your eyes stay open. You are just really really relaxed. Edit: Let's clarify: When people go into hypnosis they do not just "fall asleep" or slump over. That's not hypnosis. Their eyes stay open and whatnot. It's just that now they are a lot less aware of what is going on around them and whatever you say, they tend to believe. You don't just say "All right, now do the Irish Jig." No, you have to say "You're in Ireland in a pub, and everyone gets up and starts dancing..." etc. etc. If the subject doesn't like dancing, you can't force him, unless you do something like "A beautiful woman appears next to you and says, 'Would you like to dance?'" to get them to want to. Basically you spoof their senses and make them think it's all real. However, they will not really interact as much with their environment. Tell them that they're on a beach and they're in a swimsuit, and you'd think they'd jump in the water, but really, they won't. That's not how it works.
  20. Hypnotism isn't saying "All right, you're asleep now." You have to do plenty of stuff before they are actually under hypnosis. Under hypnosis you also don't have to do anything you don't want to do. You can't make someone suddenly go around pretending to be Aristotle unless he wants to, or tell him to kill someone. Mainly it lowers their inhibition and makes them vulnerable to suggestion. You can hand them a glass of water and say "This is a glass filled with pure lemon juice, but you have to drink it" and they will act like it's lemon juice, even though it's just water.
  21. It stops a lot of multiplayer games from getting on the internet, as well as stopping a few from working entirely.
  22. How should I know? Do the Network Connection Wizard.
  23. No, it's only supposed to block known trojan applications.
  24. My network worked fine with one XP and one 98. Wrong settings probably.
  25. It's happened with Internet Explorer and Windows Update.
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