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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. It worked after I set it last night, but now it doesn't work. It forgot.
  2. Yes, but you have to get single window. Some links are made to open another window, and Single Window gets past that.
  3. It has a list of stuff to let online. I changed that last night. Today it seems to have forgotten.
  4. Linked OBJECT or just link? Every link would get really annoying.
  5. How should I know why?
  6. Ugh. Norton firewall is bad enough for me. Last night I had to configure it several times before Firefox could connect to the internet, and now, one day later, it won't let firefox online. Grrrrr...
  7. You didn't know that already?
  8. Another thing: have you ever gone to one of those security test sites? With IE they can open your CD drive and such REMOTELY. Not through Firefox. Those things can mess up your computer by locking the CD drive or messing around with it. Plus Firefox looks better.
  9. You want to see humans evolving? Evolution in action: http://www.darwinawards.com
  10. I'm right-handed left eye dominant, since my right eye stinks. But I can aim properly.
  11. A year old maybe?
  12. Yourdad doesn't seem to be understanding what Aeschylus is saying.
  13. I'll sell you the Brooklyn bridge for 500 bucks. I thought gullibility was relevant
  14. "Fool" is profanity? That's a new one on me.
  15. Cap'n Refsmmat


    Actually, I rather do want to forget it.
  16. Cap'n Refsmmat


    I know people that got welts from playing paintball.
  17. P. D. Q. Bach. http://www.schickele.com/
  18. I do not understand a word of this thread from the start of page 6.
  19. In Dilbert it was predicted that the world would be taken over by squirrels and humans would be forced to work in nut mines.
  20. Does it matter?
  21. It is sort of an extension. It's proportional to it, that's why. Proportional by . Oh wait, you think that's wrong. Sorry.
  22. The radius is a line segment. Lines are one-dimensional.
  23. Can't you just give it up? You're not really contradicting us, just continually stating a new reason that you are right.Plus you're giving yourself a bad reputation.
  24. It may become a dot, but if you zoom in close enough it's still a circle.
  25. Perhaps it's been zipping around space bouncing off of things before it finally hit us.
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