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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. That happens to me sometimes. Sorry. But I'm still right.
  2. It may, but it still shrinks the circle and makes the circle smaller. Go ahead, ask him.
  3. Err no. The universe is billions and billions of light years across. That radiation will still be passing us, especially since the universe is still expanding.
  4. Uninstalling IE, that's what it's for.
  5. Why doesn't it? If the circle is SMALLER, the radius must get SMALLER too. It won't stick out the side of the circle and make it an impaled circle.
  6. IF THE CIRCUMFRENCE SHRINKS, then the stupid circle is smaller, meaning the radius is smaller. The radius is NOT fixed. is a constant.ps: Sayo: Why were all of the mods in IRC but not talking to me?
  7. Exactly.Did you like my quote from him?
  8. Close.
  9. It should. If the circumfrence gets bigger, then the circle is wider, so the radius also has to expand. It's not like the radius is a fixed object.edit: shoot, he beat me with a second reply!
  10. At least you're honest about it.
  11. There's a difference between an outside observer sees and what actually happens, you know. That's the effect of time dilation.
  12. It's not matter anyways. It's radiation. Radiation is energy.
  13. Sorry. I start next week.
  14. http://www.litepc.com/download.html Scroll down and look at them.
  15. Shoot! I just searched for that too!
  16. You have school ALREADY! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! THAT I find amusing.
  17. If I turn off the XP firewall, do I even need to have the SP2, since I use a different firewall? Actually it does stop WordPerfect suite from working at all.
  18. Does anyone here have SP2? Windows Automatic Update downloaded it, but I don't want to install it since I hear all of these stories about how it will stop programs from working and all of that. So if you have it, what did it do?
  19. I had a debate recently, and the other side used one sneaky tactic: The people not participating were going to vote on it, so the other side went around telling them how bad it was and all that. Then they never brought it up in the debate and we couldn't debunk it, so then they won, since the other people thought all that was true. Of course it wasn't. Argh.
  20. He was asking me a bunch of questions about me and where I live and all that. I don't like that.
  21. You realize that I left out the part saying it was an april fools joke, don't you?
  22. This should be in this thread: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=2786 But anyways... One of my friends and I made a sort of team, and we constantly make new BASIC programs as we want. Then the other person would review it and improve it, and we also give each other all of the new utilities and commands that are useful. It's fun.
  23. Graphics? 2nd-Prgm, and use those tools. Read your manual to see how to use them. I made a space-invaders type game with only 1 bad guy, and he moves and shoots randomly. But it's fun!
  24. http://solomon.physics.sc.edu/~tedeschi/demo/demo3.html Read it all, try the movie.
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