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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Lights are stupid anyways. All they do is suck up power from the engine and light up the pavement. I don't know why you'd bother. But I'm just a highly opinionated person.
  2. It's not a member here. It's someone who says he found this site by browsing and didn't want to register. I don't trust him much.
  3. And that SP2 won't keep games and applications (including the ENTIRE WordPerfect suite, which comes standard with some computers) from working properly or working AT ALL.
  4. Same here. If I need a calendar I'll get it for my calculator. I can make a program that lets me make "virtual post-it notes" so I can take it home and read them. Plus it's the best calculator you can get.
  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yawn
  6. Aaaiee! I also have proof that the moon is made of cheese: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap020401.html Explanation: Using the new camera on the recently refitted Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers have been able to confirm that the Moon is made of green cheese. The telling clue was the resolution of a numeric date after which the Moon may go bad. Controversy still exists, however, over whether the date resolved is truly an expiration date or just a "sell by" date. "To be cautious, we should completely devour the Moon by tomorrow," a spokesperson advised.
  7. No, but all it does is automatically load the search page. You type in the search and hit enter, and it takes you to the results. As far as I know it works like the meta search engines that query other engines for results, and I don't think you can get trojans through that. Also, firefox is FASTER, not slower, it loads pages better.
  8. The circled one here has little eyes, you can see them.
  9. [thread]4549[/thread]
  10. AHA! Look! Armadillos! Near the top of the hill thingy! I'm not THAT stupid
  11. Two things: How does a silencer (on a gun) work? How does a muffler (on a car) work?
  12. You don't want to have one? You can select multiple options, so just select one and "I don't have one".
  13. I think Sayonara won the Captain Obvious Award for this week.
  14. What type of car(s) do you have/want to have?
  15. Looks like a rock to me. And a real physicist wouldn't go around using smileys galore, they're supposed to be MATURE! And I believe you mispelled amateur.
  16. I wouldn't say that. Never being sick does not make you have a fever. It may be that you simply have a defective whatever-gland-that-controls-your-temperature. Also where you take your temperature (under the arm, in the ear, mouth) makes a difference as well.
  17. However, the TI-89 is more capable. I'd rather have a TI-84 for the memory capacity.
  18. Says who?
  19. "Aluminium" sounds rather silly, don't you think, old chap?
  20. Poor quartz has no social life. He's always at the computer.
  21. Mine is wireless.
  22. No, they don't say "Challenge: I'm smarter than you are", they just say "I'm smarter than you are" so I can't tell if it's a challenge.
  23. And I really hate it when they do.
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