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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Will you PLEASE follow the rules when posting a challenge?! Several times now I went to a thread and thought it wasn't a challenge, and made a normal reply, only to realize that it was actually a challenge and my reply shouldn't be there! Once I actually made an argument against them! Please, people!!!!!! And could a mod stickify this thread so people will see it?
  2. How would you do 29?
  3. For #2, I believe there is a setting in Windows under control panel, in Mouse (duh), which lets you set the mouse to do things like move automatically to a button. Be sure it's off. I have an optical wireless mouse and it's always doing things like ignoring my movements, moving in the wrong direction, and having it stick while clicked. This is with the reciever/controller unit 1 foot away. I hate it!
  4. Except for simply how much information it takes to store the state of every single atom and molecule in your body.
  5. I'm doing Folding@home.
  6. Does he mean an aluminum space ship? Or aluminum propulsion????
  7. If you make an exact copy, all of the reactions and signals would be the same too, wouldn't they? So it would work.
  8. Why does it say "cap'n" in the title? Sorry, I know a little bit of java, but certainly no javascript or ANY html. I'd be worthless really, unless you know how to put it in a page. All I know is making buttons and text fields. I can't make it store information or anything. Sorry.
  9. There are some things I see in signatures of people on forums that say "You are using [browser name] and your ISP is [isp name]. Your ip address is [ip address]," and it's always right.
  10. I know a bit (a bit) of Java.
  11. Astronomy Picture of the Day
  12. The problem was it just got too silly. I had intended it to be sort of mock-serious, in a kind of silly sort of way.
  13. I think it's a good idea.
  14. Thank you. It hurt my eyes. Now, I don't really believe what yourdadonapogos is saying. If the circle was spinning rapidly, the radius/diameter would too, so relativity would affect it too. Just another reason...
  15. Can't we lock this stupid thread as it is already being discussed elsewhere?
  16. Physicists don't work on water-mineral interactions. Chemists and geologists do. DUH And quit insulting people who know a lot more than you do.
  17. Here's the simplest description: Chemotherapy is just giving someone a poison that kills cancer a bit faster than it kills the person>
  18. Oh yes: Every time I post a new thread I will look at Who's Online for a bit to see if anyone looks at it. I wait until someone does, and go back to New Posts. There it says it still has 1 view, instead of 2? Why doesn't it update?
  19. I'm just trying to say that they are failing miserably at trying to get respect and rights.
  20. View the psuedo debate before commenting or voting. Do you think that we should continue making Psuedo-debates? If you don't, explain why.
  21. What are you trying to imply here? Seriously, have you ever seen a gay pride parade? A guy with a carmen miranda hat and leather straps across his chest and both "buns" showing, each with a little colored mark on them. I have pictures too.
  22. No, the NSA. They do code work.
  23. I've seen a gay parade before, and believe me, they have no hope to get sympathy. You do NOT want to see pictures, either. If they want rights, they should try to get respect. And they fail miserably at that, just looking at the parade. That's why most people don't like them: they fail miserably at getting respect. I understand why people hate gays, or gay rights.
  24. I suppose more people are using it if there are 12 online and only 2 on chat, right?
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