What's this for anyways? Radiation is a nasty thing. X-ray machines give out anywhere from 10 millirems (chest x-ray) to 70 millirems (spine x-ray). 350 millirems a year is normal for anyone, just with background radiation. Exposing yourself to 10,000 millirems (in any amount of time) increases your risk of cancer.
Even an x-ray machine does not point all of it's radiation in one direction. X-rays radiate in all directions, in lesser amounts. That's why doctors go out of the room before they "fire" the gun. Using one with no training and little protection is absolutely stupid (to put it bluntly). Unless you a) use the gun only a little or b)put a lead casing around the x-ray gun entirely, you will still recieve radiation.
I strongly recommend against doing this. Therefore I really don't want to continue giving you advice that might end up with you having cancer in a few years.
edit: If you want, go into chat and I'll tell you further.