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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Another thing that affects the resistance is heat. That's why wires cooled down with liquid helium or liquid hydrogen become "superconductors", because they lose all resistance to electricity.
  2. I suppose it will take a while for users to notice it. Although yourdadonapogos says that it would not let him connect (with the Java applet) so I wonder what's going on. I told him to get mIRC.
  3. Maybe I was thinking of alpha radiation hitting aluminum... sorry.
  4. oooooooooooooh bad one. I don't like political jokes of that nature. They spark debates.
  5. Obviously the bot is already on the internet, so it probaby did a google search like some metasearches can do (remotely).
  6. I knew you are named ezra by using the built-in bot on the chatroom that google searches for you. I just typed in "google yourdadonapogostick".
  7. Did you hit "Chatroom"? It should work. If it comes up asking if you trust them, hit yes. I don't have yahoo.
  8. Please go to IRC, it would be much easier to talk there. Say, does your name happen to be [hide]Ezra Maliki[/hide] (hidden against robots.
  9. Do you have any idea how poisonous lead is and how heavy it is? Lining your walls with it means that you'll be exposed to crumbling lead and such. Go into chat so we can continue this. You know, click "chatroom" at the top of the page.
  10. What's this for anyways? Radiation is a nasty thing. X-ray machines give out anywhere from 10 millirems (chest x-ray) to 70 millirems (spine x-ray). 350 millirems a year is normal for anyone, just with background radiation. Exposing yourself to 10,000 millirems (in any amount of time) increases your risk of cancer. Even an x-ray machine does not point all of it's radiation in one direction. X-rays radiate in all directions, in lesser amounts. That's why doctors go out of the room before they "fire" the gun. Using one with no training and little protection is absolutely stupid (to put it bluntly). Unless you a) use the gun only a little or b)put a lead casing around the x-ray gun entirely, you will still recieve radiation. I strongly recommend against doing this. Therefore I really don't want to continue giving you advice that might end up with you having cancer in a few years. edit: If you want, go into chat and I'll tell you further.
  11. NO! NO ALUMINUM! Aluminum, when hit with radiation, likes to shoot off neutrons (I think... I'll check in a minute) and neutron radiation is quite dangerous. You better get a Dosimeter and a charger off of eBay (preferably one with a low scale and one with a high scale) just to be safe. No, not a geiger counter, dosimeters will measure the amount of radiation you are exposed to over an extended period of time.
  12. you don't even have to type "quartz". And why the heck don't people USE THE CHAT! Hardly anybody is on! Whenever I'm on there's only 2 or 3 others online. rrrgh.
  13. Lead absorbs them, I don't know what reflects them. I don't even know if that's possible. A mirror maybe?
  14. So is THAT how sayo got Jakiri to have the avatar even though it was too big? The sneaky little devil... lol... Why the different sizes for mods and non mods like I said? Both of us had different things at exactly the same time.
  15. Aha, you won't admit my superior wit. Hey, that rhymes! Anyways, why, if the mods get larger avatars, why is the file size limit smaller but the pixel size bigger for them?
  16. If he was on mars, we'd know there was life on mars, but not intelligent life.
  17. severian: Depends on what it is. Animated GIFs can be compressed, but I've forgotten the name of the software. Something like Animated GIF compressor or something. That isn't saying much, you know.
  18. Dave said he had a DIFFERENT AVATAR LIMIT on his page! Didn't you read it? NOW do you get it?
  19. Just a second ago Firefox started acting weird, not going to any of the links I clicked. So I got out and tried to open it, and it asked me to choose a profile. I hit "default" but it said that was in use(?) and so I made a new one. Now all of my settings and extensions and links are gone. WHAT DO I DO TO GET THEM BACK? I have version 9.0.
  20. Read the third page of this thread.
  21. Some people still do have 100 by 100, because apparently the limits are different for different people. As shown on the third page of this thread.
  22. Not that I know of. But they are a pretty nice beam to begin with. The only problem here is that they have to be registered, and I doubt you could get one unless it's for a college lab or a medical practice. They don't want ignoramuses sterilizing people and causing cancer. In fact, I think you'd want to get one of those lead blanket thingies just to be safe.
  23. I think they have to be registered with some authority or another. So people don't go around getting high doses of radiation. That's why at the dentist they give you the lead pad: too much x-ray and you become sterile.
  24. Well, puppies aren't that much different, unless they're fat enough to go BOINGGG! Fat is padding. Ugh, the images...
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