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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Wait a minute... who's talking here, the extremists or you? Are you saying all of the lot should go?
  2. I guess I'll try...
  3. That's just a setting you can have. I set mine to do that too.
  4. Are you sure it's your post?Try logging out and loggin in. If that doesn't work, go to the bottom of the page to the "Posting Rules" thingy and see if it says you aren't allowed to edit your posts.
  5. If you want to edit it, there's a button near the lower right corner of your post that says "Edit".
  6. Hey-ours is too! I know most of the material already, and the teachers hardly teach. (especially my Language Arts teacher.... rrgh!) The classes are unbearably boring, and then they complain because kids don't do well. The teaching is the problem. What I would give to be home schooled....
  7. So how do you get it to go back and forth forever? You need an imaginary situation to let it. edit: oops, sayo beat me here
  8. I believe a perpetual motion machine is supposed to produce more energy than it uses. And what is a "parabolic potential well"?
  9. I'm not sure I like the direction of this conversation.
  10. Cap'n Refsmmat


  11. Now, if someone stole my PC, then I'd be REALLY mad. I wouldn't be able to use scienceforums! But back to the original story: Don't you think people are really stupid nowadays? It's just an x-box, it's not worth 6 peoples lives. Anger management, anyone?
  12. Why do you care so much about his book?
  13. Overbalanced wheel? Don't you know that da Vinci tried that? It didn't work.
  14. I agree. We need a few scientists in it, so we can argue with them, instead of limiting them to GD. A few good scientists make it a useful tool, not just some thing for laughs.
  15. "A few"? Yeah, right. The big problems are with things like external weapons. They give you away in an instant. You couldn't just give the su an internal bomb bay, could you? Plus you have to paint the cockpit canopy in gold to keep the pilot's head from showing up on radar, modify the air intakes to keep radar from reflecting off of the engine fan blades, modify the exhaust heavily to keep it from radiating heat, modify the tail so it does not reflect radar, modify the wing leading edges with ferrite paints to absorb radar, change the whole fuselage to reflect radar differently, redo the landing gear doors to prevent them from having tiny gaps between them and the fuselage, redo the wing/fuselage connection, make the refueling probe housing stealth, make all the little radio anntenas interior rather than exterior, and last of all, take out the radar so people can't detect the radar pulses and detect you.That's my aeronautical geek answer. Have fun comprehending it.
  16. Where'd you hear this? Hardly any distance at all. The F-22 is entirely undetectable except in certain situations, like when a ground crew leaves a screw protruding out 1/8 of an inch. Otherwise you cannot detect it, and believe me, they've tried. At altitude, noise goes at only 660 mph, and it doesn't go very far. Plus, since it takes so long to get to you, the F-22 will be miles away when you hear it. You won't be able to tell where it is or what it is doing, because the sound will take a long time to reach you. It could have turned around and shot a missile at you, killing you, before you even hear it.
  17. Yes, but heat is minimized by mixing the exhaust with outside air to cool it down. Sound only carries 2-3 miles, less at altitude, so the 22 would blast you to smithereens before you heard it (also, it cruises faster than the speed of sound...). Radar has a range of over 100 miles, compared to the 2-3 of sound. About electronic noise: Airplanes are shielded against electromagnetic pulses (somewhat) so I don't see why it also would protect it from emitting any, either. About the last one: What are you getting at? If you think you can detect the waves when they deflect away at odd angles, you need to know that you would have to have humongous antennas spaced every few miles over hundreds of square miles to detect it in a running dogfight, plus upload it to the fighter. Also, they use composites which absorb some of the radar energy and turn it to heat. That reduces the radiated energy by about 10% and reduces the range that the reflected energy can be detected at. edit: one last thing: The f-22 has no afterburners, I think, so it has a lot less heat.
  18. Does that really make too much of a difference? Modern missiles can outmanuever anything, and they're pretty resistant to countermeasures. Duds are the big problem, if the guidance quits the missile doesn't hit. Stealth means you can't even get a missile to lock on it, let alone know it was there.
  19. One thing I noticed is that on the main page, there's a column for the thread "symbol". However, most threads don't have one anyways, so it looks silly having a mainly blank column. Same for the New Posts page.
  20. Umm... I didn't say that second quote there. Dave did.
  21. I can't tell if that "Really?" was sarcastic or actually someone wondering. Since I recently sent you a PM (and you didn't reply) I'm quite worried. Although it does look like you don't have the little pop-up box on, because you hardly reply to any of them (unless I mention them in a thread). Oh yes, did you lock that psuedo-debate thread (the original)? It's meant to be for comments about the debate now, so locking it is pointless.
  22. ? I'm getting a bad feeling now...
  23. Yes, but in those billions of years until it happens, we'd probably get such advanced technology that the ones escaping then would get to their destinations before the other ones had set up a good camp.
  24. VIPs maybe? Or you could make a forum for the top 10 non-mod posters, and let them discuss things in there. They could have the additional title "Senior".
  25. Who knows, lots of flawed theories are published. Just because you can't find a problem with it doesn't mean there isn't one.
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