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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. I waited for quite a while. And it's not the front page, it's all of them. The background colors switched places.
  2. It's not working.
  3. Just about an hour ago, the white and blue on the forum switched around... for me, anyways. Then I hit "post new thread" and the box to type in was beige and you couldn't actually type. WHAT IS GOING ON? rrrgh!
  4. fence = what I want for my yard card
  5. No, really. If english is their second language, it's fine with me, but if they say "I do good english at school" and don't bother here, then they should be "iliterate". I think you were being sarcastic there, however. edit: oh yes, you didn't respond to my PMs.
  6. Also it appears to me that the background has changed, but apparently nobody else had it happen.
  7. Can't you make them "Iliterate"* (intentionally miselled)? *That was JaKiri's idea.
  8. It increases urine flow, making you dehydrated by outputting more than you drink. And what I learned was, it attached to the receptor the other thing (hormone? chemical?) does and that other chemical is the one that make you tired, so you don't get that one.
  9. It's "grammar". http://www.englishforums.com
  10. I mean, seriously, it is hard to read when its in horrible grammar. And what the heck happened to the background?
  11. I'm glad you appreciate it.
  12. He means, how many transistors in an XOR? ps, why's your avatar HiMat?
  13. You give the impression of an illiterate person. Us good people does use them thar grammar, yessiree.
  14. Can some people (cough yourdadonapogos cough) USE PROPER SPELLING, PUNCTUATION, AND GRAMMAR?! IS THAT TOO MUCH FOR YOU? I MEAN, THIS IS A FORUM FOR INTELLIGENT PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please?
  15. Grades only say "He knows a bunch of his work." They don't tell you if he actually comprehends it, remembers it still, and WHAT parts he knows. Plus, if they're standardized, you can compare it to all of the US without saying "That's because Mr. So-and-so gives easy exams!"
  16. Apparently not in english class. CAPITALIZE AND MAKE IT LOOK LIKE YOU DO!
  17. Exactly. You may hate them, but they tell you if you learned the material, remembered last year's, etc.
  18. Do they learn the material, or do they just know other stuff?
  19. Erm, no. There's such a thing called recoil, and if the station is attached to the "elevator" the recoil will bend it/break it.
  20. In the US, you have to take a test (that EVERYONE has to take) in school every year. Everyone in the US takes it, or a form of it.
  21. ..or how well you learned what you were supposed to learn in class...
  22. It seems to me nobody cares about this thread.
  23. I tend to speed up and make no sense whatsoever. And do a few bushisms/spoonerisms as well.
  24. The Simpsons is crazy talk.
  25. I'm like that too. Rehearse for 10 years, but goof up in front of 20 people.
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