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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. I love digitally edited pictures.
  2. Backwards english? You mean hsilgne sdrawkcab?
  3. "Das Gerblimpenbooben ist verboten!" Gerblimpenbooben? Ah, I love psuedo-German.
  4. All they are is a bunch of wacko teenagers (on drugs, probably) going around killing people and drinking their blood. Drugs tend to do that to you. (make you go wacko)
  5. What do you suggest he does? Rebuild the CIA, blast every country harboring terrorists, etc? That would be even worse. You can't reform the CIA without spending loads of money, get criticized for it, and goof up somewhere. You can't kill all of the terrorists without accidentaly hurting a small child and becoming the world's most evil baby killer that is in power. But that's not really relevant to this thread.
  6. ...isn't that the same thing?
  7. IT SUCKS! Believe me. I've seen it. And don't continue discussing this, because I can tell you have strange opinions on EVERYTHING.
  8. pbtthht! ahahahahahahahahahahahaha! No, really. Someone change his status to "Vampires! They're everywhere!"
  9. Well, you must have very different opinions on "good looking" than we do.
  10. It would defy physics as we know it. Perpetual motion machines either: Produce more energy than they use (violating the Law of Conservation of Energy) or convert heat COMPLETELY into other forms of energy, also violating laws of physics. These laws of physics have never been broken, as far as I know.
  11. What about Novocaine?
  12. Swansont is a physicist. I'd trust him.
  13. Wait a minute... Are you saying that the type of evil vampires that goes around sucking your blood and turning you into one really exists? Because I really hope you aren't.
  14. If they liked Enterprise, then to them, Voyager or TNG would be heaven. In other words, Enterprise sucks.
  15. Obviously he's never watched any real British movies. Nice one, Sayo!
  16. I can't really tell who's arguing on what side here... It is my opinion that you should be able to have an abortion up to about the last 3 months. Let's say that you are a poor family and don't even have enough money to support yourself, let alone a baby. If you accidentally got pregnant, would you really want to be forced into spending even more money that you don't have for a baby? I doubt it. The child would be malnourished, not get a good education, etc. And that means the baby will probably (PROBABLY! not surely) be just as poor as it's parents in the years to come. If you have no education, you don't get good jobs. Thus the child will be poor, starving, in ragged clothes, with a job at McDonalds flipping burgers. And it's my opinion it would be much better to not have the baby at all and instead wait until you have the money.
  17. That's not haiku.
  18. I've never seen voyager! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!
  19. Twitching tufted tail, A toasty, twany tummy: A tired tiger. An illiterative haiku by Calvin. Thank you, thank you.
  20. pbtht! I really hope that was sarcasm.
  21. Oops, wrong "they". The other "They". But actually, these were done easily because in the 50's, many twins were adopted off to different parents, so they grew up in entirely different places. I hate goofing up with "they".
  22. The war itself,the massive fire bombings of Japan, the Germans bombing London, the Allies bombing of Germany, the attack at Pearl Harbor, and many more like that were just as bad. Japan didn't have to attack Pearl Harbor. We could have won without fire bombing. The Germans actually lost themselves the war bombing London, because they were just about to obliterate the RAF's bases and radar stations. Bombing London was like saying "Oh, heck, let's not bother killing all the terrorists, let's kill their families by nuking Bahgdad". Etcetera. So it wasn't that bad.
  23. Now that's what I call forcing people into your beliefs.
  24. I was just saying, in a sarcastic sort of way, that we don't need 3973294322 forums!
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