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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. My parents are always saying "Oh, you don't like mushrooms, you must have inherited that from your father's second cousin twice removed!" (maybe I'm exagerating... but still!) But I was led to believe that behavior like that was purely how you were brought up and your surroundings. So my parents told me that they did a test with twins, seperated at birth, to see what they liked/disliked as they grew older. SUPPOSEDLY (since I don't have any sources) the kids liked the same type of toothpaste, the same food, etc. etc. But they were seperated at birth. I don't really believe that, unless I find the research on Google. So here's the question: Is it genetic, or is it your environment? edit: Did a Google search, and I discovered that one site says that they will be different, while the other says they are remarkable alike. One says that they most often choose different careers, the other says that they choose the same with "amazing frequency". And so on.
  2. "genetically superior"? So then there's parenting segregation: "Nope, your genes are bad, we'll have to castrate you." edit: I really don't want to take a position, but if I think there's something wrong with your reasoning, I'll point it out.
  3. Yes, but that's because of humans. Any animal that regulates their reproduction without human intervention? About Skye's post: Maybe, but war is going into non-lethal now... so you can't be sure.
  4. He says they have answers without string theory. But Jakiri is best to be saying this.
  5. In other words, that's what the chinese do. Or used to, I'm not sure. They were only allowed a certain number of kids (1), and they all wanted to pass on their family names, so if they got a girl (who wouldn't pass on the name) then they'd kill her and have another.
  6. Are any other animals regulated in their reproduction? No. Why should we?
  7. It is also a law that it cannot be reached. I forget which, but it is.
  8. Sayonara appeared skeptical that that was true. Post a link supporting it.
  9. Remember, the government requires you to have hearing protection for prolonged periods of 90 decibels or more.
  10. www .scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=5208 take out the space in it. And what browser do you use?
  11. See this thread: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=5208
  12. lol! Like checkers, chess, board games.... No, really, I get what you mean. But it is a good question...
  13. No, it means that the PROPERTIES of the atoms are the same, so you alter the spin of one and the other changes as well. Or so I believe.
  14. I think we should have a section for EVERY THREAD! Then we don't need General Science!
  15. Is it possible to CREATE a wormhole, even in theory in any way?
  16. And how do you propose to make one?
  17. Well, if you read what I posted...
  18. Apparently all of our modern technology makes them invisible. They stole it from Area 51.
  19. READ THE WHOLE THREAD!!!!!!!!!! Space elevator = a gigantic carbon nanotube structure stretching into space that has an elevator going up and down it.
  20. I've heard of a lot of people saying "oh carbon dating is innacurate and they dated rock that just came out of a volcano and it was 1393321943 years old and how can that be right" and blah blah blah. So, I'd like to know just how innacurate it is, even though I know (from here) that those claims are pretty much wrong. Read the link BEFORE YOU POST!!!!!!!! Oh, and if you have any claims about how innacurate it is, tell me, I'd like to hear them.
  21. Erm... really? Which part of it? Because the shell is kind of dead already. And it depends on what it eats, etc. Carbon dating is accurate on things like wood or charcoal that have plenty of carbon in them already. In fact: http://www.don-lindsay-archive.org/creation/carbon.html
  22. I'm sorry, I don't understand that. Are you saying that if Bob measures it before Alice, then it will change Alice's? What? So once you measure it, they are "unentangled"?
  23. Because the old ones don't have guidance. You can't fit a JDAM unit to it, because it is far too big. You must build a custom guidance, and that takes up space, meaning less explosives. It would, however, be a rather nasty (powerful, not bad) weapon to drop from a B-52. MOAB only can be dropped from a cargo plane, so the Grand Slam is more versatile.
  24. Yes. You just have to modify the spin of the atoms, and the corresponding one light years away will change instantaneously. You just monitor the spin of the atoms, taking a change one direction to be 0, another 1.
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