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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. There are still atoms floating around out there, and as the gas has a higher pressure than the surrounding space (which has practically nil) then it tends to spread out.
  2. No it isn't the biggest. Grand Slam is. From WWII.
  3. It will WHAT?
  4. I've never seen anything like that on the Wikipedia.
  5. If you use Firefox, just view the source.
  6. Got level 1... "View Source Code"!! Level 2 is harder...
  7. Well, I got to admit, his is way more creative.
  8. I won't bother. I mean, what do you do, just guess the passwords?
  9. I suppose the odd sense of humor is what makes this forum so good.
  10. Couldn't it be they (the ancient civilizations) just wanted it to sound better? So their subjects would believe in their religion?
  11. I've woken up just seconds before my alarm went off... several times. Odd.
  12. Sweet! Too bad you can't make a starship that uses that...
  13. Right. You turn off the engines for a bit (with so few atoms to cause drag, you wouldn't slow down at all) and collect hydrogen for a while and store it, then fire the engines back up.
  14. So you'd have to get around the treaty and the shielding... I don't think it's a good idea.
  15. If you have a nuclear reactor you need lead shielding too.
  16. Aren't nuclear weapons banned in space?
  17. How long are you saying humans have been around? 5-6 thousand years is nothing on an evolutionary scale. Plus there's a lot less natural selection, because of advanced medicine that means the slow and stupid won't die but instead can have kids and pass their traits on.
  18. How many nuclear bombs can you stor on one ship?
  19. And why does he state that some scientists believe we only use 3% of our brain, when this thread refutes it?
  20. It's a "hot" topic.
  21. No, no, no. They don't look like the enterprise, they just have nacelles. The nacelles have the engines and hydrogen collectors in them. But please, can a physicist tell me if this will work? Are there enough hydrogen atoms in space to capture with gigantic magnetic fields and use in a nuclear rocket? Etc? Etc?
  22. I believe the light is "bent" from above to down to the road, then goes to your eyes. Shine a laser at the mirage... it might go up, or it might hit the mirage, I don't know.
  23. What do you suggest that is free and works great, and is USER FRIENDLY... etc.
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