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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Why giant? Why not just any size, so they can get in tight places and such?
  2. 0.9 But I certainly wouldn't say you have no problems.
  3. Funny.. it gives popular science the Netscape logo.
  4. Read this article. Lots more nonleathal weapons. My favorite is the "Pain beam". Much better than one that might kill people by exploding their hearts.
  5. Yes. You can take it down from the original 6 legs to 2, and very large. It works.
  6. Don't insult an admin. It's dangerous.
  7. I saw in a Popular Science an article about how scientists designed a robotic insect that, surprisingly, needed no gyros. The way it walked gave it stability. Somehow it just loped and bounced back and forth and got right over objects without altering it's gait.
  8. Why not just wrap it in aluminum foil? Just kidding.
  9. Sometimes I see that too... Occasionally it makes a different symbol things for all my favorites. Odd. Hope it's fixed in the next version.
  10. That Is Spam!
  11. The little picture said "remote linking forbidden"
  12. I believe you can buy "Bottled smoke" at home improvement stores to test fire alarms, you could look at the ingredients in that.
  13. That's like the thread titled "Dur, Internet Explorer is the same as Winbloze" or something like that.
  14. We used to have humongous numbers of moles, but now we have practically none, thanks to the cat. But also she hunts because we found her as a stray, so she had to fend for herself.
  15. Isn't it something like 8 years old? So what do we post besides Word? Notepad?
  16. Be sure you have a Geiger counter and a dosimeter handy...
  17. WHAT? Whatever.
  18. I just love how this forum has a sense of humor.
  19. Fishing bait I understand... Though I suppose anything fried tastes good.
  20. What a waste of 3 minutes! That's 0.2% of your day! Why isn't leison replying?
  21. Cap'n Refsmmat


    Do you like Spam (the processed meat product)?
  22. Remote linking forbidden?
  23. Pity that thread died. It was hilarious. Can someone add snake/turtle to the poll options?nevermind edit: posted the same time as yt! woah...
  24. Exactly. But why do they need aliens to do it? Instead of them evolving naturally?
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