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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. er, um... heh heh. Sorry.
  2. Oh. He forgot the parentheses. I kinda get it now, but only kinda.
  3. The good thing is they have a longer attention span then CNN or others. Others quickly skip from one topic to the other.
  4. Wasn't it in reply to Jakiri? oops, missed a page again!
  5. Something * 0 = something other than 0?
  6. Let's assume the winning door is 2. You choose 1. They reveal 3. You switch to 2, you win. Same but you don't switch. You lose. You choose 2. They reveal 3. You switch to 1, you lose. Same but you don't switch. You win. You choose 3. They reveal 1. You switch to 2, you win. Same but you don't switch. You lose. Am I missing anything? That's even. oops, missed this page.
  7. So? They eliminate the other one, so then it's down to 50/50.
  8. Stupid Google... it never showed me the one about the shells being bad when I searched for it.
  9. That's what I want to know. If you have the wrong door, you switch, then you get the right one. You have the right one, you switch, you lose.
  10. I'm sorry, I don't know what strawmanning means.
  11. What about the other 5%? How did they misguide them? What are your sources?
  12. Are you refuting my claims? There were two other sources there.
  13. I'm not going to bother arguing, because this will probably go on forever. And I will never be convinced.
  14. 3? http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=worldNews&storyID=5568967 http://www.news24.com/News24/World/Iraq/0,,2-10-1460_1551580,00.html http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,124576,00.html More than that.
  15. Shouldn't it not say "1 or 2" but have seperate things for them?
  16. Cap'n Refsmmat


    This isn't just an american forum.
  17. That's right. How many times do I have to post the link where we found shells containing sarin in Iraq?
  18. You REALLY don't want to know about it, wherever it may be.
  19. That's what I've thought all along.
  20. I'd take the diamond, pretend to destroy it, and sell it. But the burning like coal thing sounds like a way to bypass fossil fuels. You know, have everyone donate a ring for the local power plant. (no, really, I'm not that stupid)
  21. You won't believe what I saw. Well, really, I didn't go to mars, but I did see some wacky things anyways. Like a gay pride parade (yuck).
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