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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Heil ME, not the EVIL IMPERIALIST Zoidberg! IDEA! Make one of the bubble characters the God from the Far Side cartoons!
  2. What for? I think it should keep the bubbles from being nested inside each other!
  3. Right. And doesn't the magnetic field block most of those alpha, beta, and gamma rays?
  4. Thanks for warning me.
  5. Think that's it.
  6. Yes... the problem is, I've never seen Invader Zim! I know, I know, you're saying: WHAT???!!! Woah! That was a different font!
  7. But that's the MONTY PYTHON applause!
  8. How many are you planning on? I'd like the few I'd suggested... and a panel thingy, but let's not rush you and make you do a bang-up job, eh?
  9. We need this as another one, for situations like these:
  10. ^ woah! Refreshing fixes it.
  11. Wow.... you can nest them? I don't think you should be able to.
  12. Probably lots more so far... that's why I think he should make a bubble panel so we can see all of them. No others that I can think of besides Doctor Z or whatever he's called.
  13. This is getting so hilarious I can't stand it anymore. AAARGH!
  14. Umm... that didn't work. Now it does...
  15. Good old Sayo... ...except I don't see one yet, but I suppose he's working on it.
  16. grub=worm FIRM!! I like those bubble thingies...
  17. Wooohoo! All right, lets start a list of what people we'd like to be in the bubble thing, so it can be better AND used legitimately in science threads. 1. Charles Darwin 2. Albert Einstein 3. Steven Hawking that's all the major scientists I can think of right now, now for "other" people... 1. Bugs Bunny 2. Yosemety Sam (preferably with guns drawn) 3. Captain Kirk 4. Joseph Stalin 5. President Bush and so on... Hold it! Got an idea... perhaps, if we get loads of these, you could make something like the smiley panel except with a list of all the bubbles. Then it would be REALLY good.
  18. Then he's insulting the people who gave you the advice! Off with his head!
  19. Hmmm... maybe I could start an argument between all of the bubble characters. In other words, what should I do with it?
  20. Yes.... I agree. But Homer Simpson is not a good person for science...
  21. I suppose in some science threads it IS appropriate, like when someone wants to do something nutty and we can use Hitler to order him to stop. PS: Sayo: Can I start a thread where we can use the bubble thingies all we want, or is that spam?
  22. We MUST stop this EVIL IMPERIALIST threat to our own security by not letting the EVIL IMPERIALISTS to cause Sayonara3 to GET RID of the CARTMAN function because it is OVERUSED!!
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