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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Oh really?
  2. Right. A-10 is called the "Warthog" by its crew. It's UGLY. But, it can blow ANYTHING to smithereens. The F-22 may not look good, but it can blow you up a lot more easily.
  3. I suppose so, but even then, with the label "Village Idiot" I think they might accept it. But that could create quite a sticky situation if they took it serioiusly.
  4. And how is that? Can you be sure there are eleven dimensions?
  5. Yes, but even if he creates a bad image, that is easily corrected ("Village Idiot" could be his title) so he would be here for the comedy value.
  6. What? (and if you do explain it, please provide proof!)
  7. Perhaps you should make a Sarcasm tag. I'm not sure what it should do, maybe put a watermark saying "Sarcasm!" on it or something. Or something.
  8. First time I've seen it. In other words, I think it's new, not I KNOW it's just been made up
  9. Adam is special. I bet he'll want to prove himself, even if he acts like he really isn't Adam.
  10. You don't. But I bet he really wants to prove to us that the astronomers made a mistake, and that planet X was actually coming on June 17th 2005.
  11. Oooh! A new acronym!
  12. Recently I've noticed how many forum members would like to see Adam back around, just for the entertainment value. I would too. So, here's the question: Do you want Adam back? Examples of Adam: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=777 http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=550 http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=480 I'm sure you could find more. What do you think?
  13. http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=worldNews&storyID=5568967
  14. Uh... one wrong thing there... We HAVE found chemical weapons. Several mustard-gas shells (or was it sarin?) were discovered recently. And saying the bad things he did are old really doesn't make a difference. He still tortured people. And he was evil just for killing, even in early stages of his life. I know! Make a debate!
  15. Sorry, we weren't talking to you, just to linl.
  16. Is atinymonkey trying to say that he wasn't so bad after all?
  17. If you do that, you could also make it distort the screen a bit, to make it look like a real radiation leak. Like there is such a thing.
  18. Like Altavista's BabelFish translator? NOT!
  19. Ummm... I don't think so, besides getting hypnotized in the first place.
  20. If you knew computer programing you could give him a little virus that makes a window pop up on the screen and say, "WARNING! Monitor radiation leak! Evacuate immediately!" and watch the fun ensue. But that doesn't involve a doorbell.
  21. I like YT's idea. That goes along with my idea for Timothy McVeigh: After he was convicted, they decided to blow up Market Square Arena (in Indianapolis). I thought, "Why not show him what he did to others by putting him inside and then blowing it up?" Maybe we should give Saddam some Sarin to die with...
  22. I think he is... Because that's pretty much impossible, considering the power of the bombs.
  23. Put the ringer button in their chair, with the doorbell itself somewhere nearby. When they sit or fidget, it rings! I bet you'd see them standing up all the time to avoid dinging.
  24. I once downloaded a latin translator... *googling* This one does online translations: http://www.quicklatin.com/ http://cawley.archives.nd.edu/cgi-bin/lookdown.pl EDIT: The first one was latin to english, not the other way around...
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