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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Mine was all sound effects, his was rhyming. So it's different.
  2. Make sure it's strong glue! You never know what people will do just for one measly buck.
  3. Bigfoot Captured, is Actually a Disgruntled Postal Worker! New Internet Virus Aims to Replace All Computer's Web Browsers with Mozilla Firefox, Security Experts Say
  4. Where's some virtual mushy tomatoes when you need them?
  5. Attach it to a neighbor's office door with a switch so when they open their door it goes "ding!".
  6. Space is not really a vacuum. There's few atoms out there, just very, very, very few. Enough to cause drag. There is no such thing as a "perfect" vacuum.
  7. Congress Proposes Act to Make Days 48 Hours Long Dell Corp. Goes Bankrupt Chernobyl Discovered to be Alien Crash Site Woman Gives Birth to Unknown Species, Scientist Believe it is the Fabled "Idiot" SETI Discovers Life on Alpha Centauri, Immediately is Closed Down by Government and that's not all!
  8. STOP USING ALL CAPITALS! We stand corrected.
  9. Ok, we had a thread where you made up wacky news items, but then Sayonara said that wasn't what he wanted it to be, so I started my own. Any odd news story that is NOT true goes! Nuclear Missiles Launched at New Zealand! Bill Clinton Reveals Homosexual Relationship with Ken Starr! Iranian Town Spontaneously Combusts! Man Misspells URL, Discovering Secret Government Website Disclosing All About Conspiracies! more to come...
  10. There are about a zillion threads on this already. If you did a quick search I'm sure you would find loads. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=2577 http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=4014 http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=1931 http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=2882 And so on.
  11. Or, even better, you can sneak in to someone's office when they're gone and stick the doorbell in their desk, or even into their printer or something. Then start setting it off.
  12. It probably is ADD. There is such a thing as adult ADD. It may not be diagnosed. If glider comes here, he'll probably be more certain. If you're 18, then why can't you go after school to some psychiatrist or psychologist? You don't necessarily need drugs, therapy might work as well. If they say, "Oh, you DO have ADD" then your Dad probably has to accept it and let you keep going.
  13. Hmm... if you have your computers on power strips, and you have to switch them on every morning, attach it to the power strip in such a way that when they turn it on, it sets the doorbell off. Perhaps you could wire the power strip switch to the switch on the doorbell. Voila! But it would be more fun with a 120 db emergency horn.
  14. *applause*
  15. And he's on now... The anticipation...
  16. [acr=Nice One]NO[/acr]
  17. Darn! At least I succeeded in reviving the thread.
  18. You mean transparent?
  19. I thought this thread needed reviving. Wickedy wackedy wickedy WACK!!!! Mickety thrackety hackety HACK! Ickety ack, ickety ick, ickety thrackety THRACKETY WACK!!! Likkety lack, hickety hack, mickety wackedty MI-ICKY-THRACK! Wickedy wack... wickedy wack... Hippity hoppity HUPPITY HOP! Bippity bap! Bippity bappity buppity thrum! Da-dump THUMP. Whee!
  20. Yuck.
  21. Cap'n Refsmmat


    What, we have pneumatic post delivery systems?
  22. I would use it, but the only reason to would be to make it the e-mail I use for the subscriptions on websites and stuff. All the spam goes there.
  23. Cap'n Refsmmat


    Considering his time is 5 hours behind yours, I would suspect that.
  24. Cap'n Refsmmat


    Silly blike!
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