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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. He's an admin. He can do what he wants.
  2. And, did you notice, I just made an interesting discussion unwittingly? Yay for me!
  3. I agree with YT (sort of). Your body is destined to be maggot meat, and that's that. A dismal thought, huh?
  4. The limit is 19.5kb, that's 63 kb.
  5. Ha! It's too big to be an avatar!
  6. Like, my whole school? Dave, I got this at http://forum.team17.com It's a games forum, but there's a thread where you can get an avatar (http://forum.team17.com/showthread.php?p=279725 , go to the end) and it's quite fun. I'm Mister Jingles.
  7. Say in american or say in English?
  8. Do you like my avatar? I think it's appropriate, considering how DUMB!!!! people are these days.
  9. Very. I wish I could do that. *me goes off and weeps*
  10. Yes, very amusing. That thread should be revived. I'm too lazy.
  11. What I find odd is how many people like rap music (yuck) but then there's a forum of people who like classical music.
  12. [hide]Couldn't it be something like "The 2/4ths Lymph Duke"?[/hide] [hide]Maybe not[/hide]
  13. Same here.
  14. There was a VIP on just a second ago!
  15. What's odd is the I Can't Believe It thread looks like it's going to grow rapidly...
  16. Don't tell that to Al Gore.
  17. That's what I want to know! Maybe they're friends of Blike.
  18. Read the fine print, however hard that is. But I hear Ebay is pretty safe, and if you look at the guy's rating you should be able to see if he's a pathological liar or not.
  19. The meaning of life: Anything that dies when you step on it. No, really. I once heard that life's purpose was to spread energy around to achieve entropy. (look that up if you have to)
  20. I remember the times when I had 25 posts per day...
  21. Can you put latex code inside the spoiler (for a math challenge)? Let's try: [hide] [math] &test[/math][/hide] Edit: What happened there?
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