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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. What's "ATP"?
  2. What happens if the subject has information that will save a billion lives that he won't tell you? You claim it never happened
  3. Did you notice that you can see the spoiler by highliting it?
  4. I wonder if we'll ever use them Nice.
  5. Make that Lightningstarfish. I got Firesomething!
  6. Hello and welcome to the forums. Have fun!
  7. I don't use notificaton, I refresh. Notification fills my inbox.
  8. A-ha! Now I know! *loads double-barreled shotgun*
  9. I have ComCrap too! But I'm facing North, my nose doesn't itch (but I need a Kleenex) and I have a white-and-grey t-shirt on.
  10. Perhaps there is something in common between our computers and such. What are you running? I have XP home, running firefox. Or maybe it's with the IP or ISP.
  11. Well, right now I'm pretty good at BASIC (at least TI-83 basic) and I would say, in basic (it's basic, all right) it's pretty easy. At least until something goes wrong and you have to spend hours to figure out why...
  12. So I'm not the only one...
  13. Hmmm... I use version .9. Only extension I downloaded seperately (yet) was Single Window. And to clarify, this is when I mouse over the title of a thread. Quite odd.
  14. Sayonara would know, then. He's around here somewhere...
  15. I don't think I'm hallucinating. Aiie! A train! It's coming straight at me!!!! How'd it get in my house!!! Phew, never mind. Forgot my pills this morning.
  16. Another odd thing: Just out of curiosity, I viewed the source of two pictures, my avatar and one on mozilla.org, and both had that little symbol saying Jan 25 1994 in them.
  17. I just looked, and they all say Jan 25 1994 in the little bitty date.
  18. None of the ones I replied to have the problem. The ones that do are the ones I didn't reply to, but not all of them, just some of them.
  19. Greg is on right now...
  20. Perhaps you could attach the switch to a disposable camera so you get a picture of the crooks.
  21. PM'd you a bunch just now. I'd like to know what this is. It seems like this forum is having quite a few problems now...
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