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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. I don't see what custom titles could do beside encourage some spamming, but then they'd get "Top Spammer" and that certainly wouldn't be a good thing. But before we do that we have to figure out the other odd problems like posts dissapearing and stuff.
  2. Sure... lemme look.
  3. Can't you just pick a lock?
  4. Maybe you could attach the switch to a large battery and some wiring so you could electrocute the theives as they walk in. Attach the wires to the doorknob, so opening the door electrocutes you. But then they might sue.
  5. Just noticed something else... When you hold your mouse over links to threads, and it normally will show you a small part of the first post in the yellow box. In several I have seen it shows a date in tiny script, like Jan24 and then directly beneath it 2004 in equally tiny script. But its not the date the thread was posted.
  6. This is odd... Is it only me who had all the posts for several days deleted, then have them reappear a day later?
  7. I hear Mozilla comes with one.
  8. How'd you like how much they say eh, eh? It's bloody strange, eh?
  9. I already think it's justifiable, but that's different. He's saying that the Abu Garaib thing was definitely not as bad as what Saddam did.
  10. Oooooh! Tell me about it!
  11. What, there's a banner at the top of each page saying Opera? Geez... that would be annoying.
  12. Unless he says that it's actually not a rock, it's the geico gecko!
  13. Where have you been all that time? You haven't posted for a long time...
  14. Couldn't eating your hair when you are stressed be an abnormality because most people don't?
  15. ExtraDense* only thinks there's life on mars, not all the other stuff. Or at least he never says it. *thanks for Sayo for making that up.
  16. Opera isn't free... (I think)
  17. Pity I missed it. We do need someone like danmoore80 to start a gigantic argument, as long as the mods don't lock it.
  18. ...which just makes it more curious. If it happens again I'll take a screenshot and post it here when it works again.
  19. Debates are one on one. I prefer having the whole forum contribute. That's why I posted the Final Theory thread a while ago... so we can debate it.
  20. But wouldn't that affect everyone? Because I saw loads of posts from yesterday that I missed, only seeing ones from before the 13th. You can't post when the things you are replying to have been deleted...
  21. http://www.thefinaltheory.com This was advertised in the ad at the top of a page around here, so I thought I would take a look. Apparently this guy has a theory about how the universe works and how all science is wrong. Then he takes the physicsforums thread about it and gives that as proof, stating that all they are doing is argue over it. So I thought I would run the idea past the people here, to see what we'd all say. If possible, someone could get the author to register here and put up a defense. In a minute or so I'll start working on a debunking of his theory, but I'll do that separately so you all can start yours sooner. note: this goes along with my interesting discussion thread
  22. I miss the times when we had gigantic debates about things like evolution. People like danmoore80, for example, argued about this for weeks. But now we only have one or two of these people. And, taking extrasense for an example, they don't put up much of an argument. So... why don't we get some interesting discussions going around here?
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