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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. I can't see all of the equations, only about half. And hitting "Show Picture" doesn't work, either...
  2. If he had good mirrors, and focused them, it would be as easy as frying an ant with a magnifying glass. Except more satisfying!
  3. Often repeated, not always.
  4. Comical way to die: You fall out of an airplane, but instead of hitting the ground, you fall right through an open manhole. You survive, but a bunch of evil sewer alligators come and are about to eat you, but fortunately, an anvil squashes them. It goes dark, and you stumble around until you trip over a box of gunpowder. To see what you hit, you light a match, blasting you out of the manhole. But you are still alive, and as you hurtle through the air, you are sucked into the jet intake of the airplane you fell out of. You die.
  5. How can he look like Sidney Crawford unless he steals her face?
  6. Because you might call the same guy hundreds of times, because he hacked into your computer and made all the phone numbers his.
  7. Then what is my spybot detector doing?
  8. Some of the latter can be entertaining, but not too many. Like ExtraSense.
  9. But how do you know that the person that answers is the person you are trying to call?
  10. And some people's brains are rocks... Read post # 2.
  11. I suppose people that don't know what they are talking about are sometimes nice, because they ask question, and without that, this wouldn't be much of a forum. If we all knew everything there would be no point in this forum.
  12. I think you should be number one in both. More dedicated members that know what they are talking about would be nice.
  13. The ads contain spyware, you know, according to the program I got (Spybot- Search and Destroy). Fortunately it blocks them...
  14. Yes, you remember correctly.
  15. What about the chemical weapons they might have had? Are they a threat? (I predict you will say:) No! They don't have any! (And I say to that:) They've found some, but they're not sure if it came from before or after. So ha!
  16. I think you're posting just for the post count. It's MEANT TO HAVE THAT IN IT!!!!!!1!!!
  17. You mean, GTGD, or Got To Get Drunk.
  18. Good example of bad or good threads?
  19. Methinks it's the first answer.
  20. Now that you've upgraded, have you decided to make one? I think it would certainly bring in a lot of members...
  21. Can you not spam, but instead provide useful conversation? And, yes, I do think we need more members. Especially members who are experts in their field, like Glider or Swansont. Perhaps you could ask professors to join in...
  22. It's not an imitation, it's older.
  23. I just looked at sciforums.com, to see the difference, and while they have over 9,000 members, they stink. Not a very good discussion around there, not well moderated, etc. etc. In other words, keep up the good work!!! (and, get more dedicated members!)
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