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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Say, wasn't he banned for only 2 weeks?
  2. earplugs, please. I wish we still had the :offtopic: smiley.
  3. They might have made the suit themselves. Or bought an orange shirt and pants.
  4. About cookies only being text. My Spybot Search & Destroy says a "tracking cookie" was found. How can text track you? Secondly, as I loaded this page, it popped up saying I was downloading a known threat. "Avenue A, Inc" or something. Could that be in one of the ads on this page? [edit] It's complaining about Avenue A, Inc on nearly every page.
  5. Cap'n Refsmmat is from the book Failure is Not an Option. I was reading it when I registered.
  6. Just so you know, I have an AV and NEVER had a virus. So Tesseract isn't really better. Probably (like me) he never opens ANYTHING unless he knows what it is. Seriously, I never have opened an attachment from anyone except who I know and I expect it.
  7. What happens if he isn't a bad fruit and they are lies? I support what Blike says, I mean, look at Vietnam. Supposedly troops put bombs in coke bottles and gave them to kids, who took them into enemy encampments and were blown up (by the bottle).
  8. Whoops... I thought your links were saying he did, and I had one saying he didn't.
  9. [edit] Tesseract already posted my link...
  10. Just recently I checked my computer for spyware and found... 116 spybots!!! (and a partridge in a pear tree) Seriously, though, where do they come from? I hardly ever download anything. And, my stupid firewall claims it kills them. How can they get access to my internet without alerting it?
  11. Same here. It happened to me. (well, no memory problems, but there were windows sprouting everywhere!)
  12. No, he's saying that there is phosphor in bones that does it.
  13. Over the top. Down under paper is annoying.
  14. You can tell by that that it is fake...
  15. The link explains some things, but what happens if there is no flame and their clothes aren't even touched?
  16. I saw a book about it... weird. People roasted up without scorching their clothes. And for no reason whatsoever. So I think it actually happens, but I suppose the wick effect may be right. That still doesn't explain not burning their surroundings.
  17. You can tell his videos are fake because of how grainy the UFOs are, compared to the rest.
  18. ...achieve maximum entropy.
  19. Perhaps they were mostly muscle. And there is evidence that some were warmblooded, so they could have more energy more of the time (when it's cold they'd slow down otherwise).
  20. Visual basic is loads different. It allows you to do boxes and inputs easier than qbasic, and is more visual (hence the name), while in QB it's a lot harder to do graphics.
  21. I also find it funny when I get up from dinner to get something, and then people tell me "When you got up to get..." and I don't remember doing it. Sometimes its embarassing.
  22. The tip. Still, basically, heat rises (through your fluid). It's convection (sort of). I think they do use argon, or sometimes other inert gases. Otherwise the heat could only be transferred through radiation, and radiation doesn't rise.
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