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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. He was discounting the energy put in to it. I wasn't tought that it applies to a closed system, please explain.
  2. How'd you prove it's fake?
  3. A: Once a month. Q: Do you hate Windows?
  4. That's the only reason. Except that I hate VCRS (stupid things break).
  5. Chemical energy. The bird gains gravitational energy as it uses up its food, and that energy (just like gravity) pulls on the earth. Duh.
  6. http://www.bonsaikitten.com Is that not ethical or is that not ethical?
  7. That's why electricity makes wires buzz, I think. (that's what my science teacher says)
  8. Build a pulsjet powered airplane. http://www.aardvark.co.nz/pjet/
  9. To make it sillier.
  10. A: Whichever I feel like at the moment. Q: PC or Mac?
  11. No, the best way has to involve all of these things: Septic sludge. Rubber gloves. A bouncy ball. A VCR. And a pit bull for good measure.
  12. A: Down. Q: Would you rather do something else right now?
  13. A: I felt like it. Q: Why are you sitting at the computer instead of using your precious time elsewhere? Computerized scum!
  14. Perhaps he meant something else.
  15. I prefer an overdose of anastesia. Fall asleep, then die. No pain.
  16. Cap'n Refsmmat


    Can't you tell he's sarcastic? I think he's right. And Phi for All is right.
  17. In Michigan, they certainly need to do that. You drive from Indiana, and it's all smooth, then you see the "Welcome to Michigan" sign, and it's all bumpy. But it is hard to shut down the roads in a major city. People have no patience.
  18. My computer is fast enough, and even with the virus scan disabled, it isn't noticibly faster. I suppose older computers would be slowed, but my fancy new one certainly isn't.
  19. Where can I get something reflective that's cheap?... (Shh! I'm thinking!) How's aluminum foil?
  20. Hi, I'm cap'n refsmmat and I like to blow stuff up. (Really. It's fun.)
  21. Just so you know, my Virus Scan just found a Trojan. It's not like I'd search through all my computer to see if I have one, then delete it. Any AV program can search a lot faster than you can. So at least you can use one as a back-up. Would you search through every part of a download to make sure it doesn't contain a virus? I don't think so.
  22. Ooooh... the plot thickens. Unless there's a serious bug in the system. (there is)
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