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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. They es muy loco en la cabeza. What about the rat brain that draws pictures? (I can't find the link)
  2. Oh yeah, what do you think would happen, when you strap toast (butter side up) to the top of a cat, then drop it? The butter AND the cat would have to hit the ground first. It'd levitate, and spin, because of the conflicting laws of nature.
  3. Cap'n Refsmmat


    I say, good for you! You're not me. You don't know what's offensive. Have you checked with all 253 countries on that? A lot allow guns. I thank the Baron Montesqieu for the system of government, but SORRY, they are NOT the same. There's the Queen, parliament, and stuff, and the US is different. We don't have silly "changing of the guard" ceremonies. Not me, but the chances of that are so small I'd probably be hit by lightning, or win the lottery, or have a car crash, before that.
  4. 5 scrolls, perchance?
  5. Sorry, finished that (two hours ago). Man, I hate reading at 750.2 words per minute.
  6. Try this one in http://www.startrek.com on the forums.
  7. No, no, no. You get the pictures from a Predator spy drone. I actually wouldn't mind a black box, because if some idiot crashes into me, I can prove it's his fault.
  8. Ever heard of "the buttered side of bread always hits the ground?" It's true (60/40 chances)!
  9. Finished that one, I'm on Clear and Present Danger.
  10. isn't that "homo-sapiens"?
  11. ... I finished that one (in 4 hours) and I'm on The Hunt For Red October. Favorite bookstore? Borders.
  12. Or Trinary, or Quadrinary, or whatever you call it. But when people say "billion trillion" I just think "bajillion." It's simpler.
  13. I'm reading "Blind Man's Bluff." I just read "Partisans."
  14. What gets ME is getting soap under my nails. Or anything else that's in small pieces. Oh yes, and when someone screeches the chalk on the board.
  15. Cap'n Refsmmat


    Even in the US, that's hardly anything. You know how much the government spends... BZZZT! Wrong! Do you know how many countries have problems with gun-waving criminals? Oh, and that's offensive, too.
  16. So are you saying that we see before the photons hit the retina? That is CONFUSING!! Perhaps you should clarify that.
  17. parmesan
  18. You're not helping...
  19. Sorry, mine is occupied right now. They can grow liver tissue synthetically, the problem is blood vessels.
  20. How does the nervous system control the immune system? It's automatic!
  21. He was testing acupuncture! It hurt him even though it didn't peirce his skin. It's called the placebo effect.
  22. One thing I just saw was Mythbusters on TV. They tested picking up radio on fillings. It is not feasible. What is likely is that different types of fillings and saliva are acting to make little sparks. About computer speakers, my friend had one that you could listen to the radio on, and my aunt had a phone that played Cuban propaganda along with the dial tone.
  23. And what is that?
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