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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. And, of course, it could contribute to cracking the sidewalks by rapidly freezing water underneath (when it gets in the cracks) and expanding it. I have heard of several chemicals that have the same affect as LN, which "freeze" gum so you can scrape it off. There's a darwin award about it.
  2. I must say, it still is entertaining. That picture would be convincing to any, erm, nutcase, that's why they sell so much, if you get what I mean.
  3. I think I saw that in the Guiness book of world records somewhere. Supposedly it can be used for industrial workers reading their manuals as they work. It gives the feeling of an 11 inch screen, the book said.
  4. Whatever. I'd forgotten about that. Mass can be converted to energy, which makes up some of an atom. But that type of energy (that holds atoms together) does not contribute to gravity, unless it has mass.
  5. A quark of a nut. And, also, they could have existed long ago and have gone extinct, or something like that.
  6. Well, as you can tell, humans took a darn long time to become this intelligent. It's more like they would take plenty of time. Millions of years.
  7. A classic example of the problem of being too humanoid is Star Trek. I mean, not everyone will speak English, and they certainly won't just be a human with a pointy ear. That's just silly. Unless a planet could sustain life a long time, it's unlikely they would be intelligent.
  8. I wonder how the tabloids come up with those. I can just imagine a group of guys around a table drinking whiskey and going, "I know! How's about Noah's Ark on Mars!", really drunkenly.
  9. What's that have to do with acid? Fine then, saxophones.
  10. This is the Word Association Game. To play, you take the word mentioned before and post what it reminds you of or is similar to, like "explosives" to "emergency room". I'll start. Acid!
  11. Energy does not make gravity! A magnetic field can be likened to a gravitational field, but it is not.
  12. I said kryptonite, not krypton. The article makes no mention of it.
  13. Or, it's far in the distance. Even then, it's still large. I'll see what I can do: MY EXPLANATION: Some piece of rock falling down at a great distance. GOVERNMENT'S EXPLANATION: It's a weather balloon.
  14. What about kryptonite?
  15. I thought kryptonite was made up. Krypton doesn't sound familiar to me, so it probably is.
  16. The famous martian head monument.
  17. LAWYERS! AAAA! 'Scuse me, I fainted. Anyway, I think it looks like junk burning up. It's obvious.
  18. I'm going to denigrate you all. A defrocking is in order, for some.
  19. I would have to agree, but without knowing, because I never have had them. Yay! Ticks, mosquitoes, no-see-ums, there are plenty out there.
  20. Le yipes! Another long word is "antidisestablishmentarianism", and a good one to use against ignorant people is "defenestrate", meaning "to throw out the window".
  21. Let's not argue about it, it already has been. So hows tapeworms for everybody? Or, even better, LICE!
  22. Yes, it does. It means you have dust in your lungs, or "rocks in the box" :edit: Make that "lots of dust".
  23. Cap'n Refsmmat


    Get yourself a pocket knife. What's wrong with him anyway?
  24. According to RadE, they are a "gray area", and are in the middle. I don't care, as long as I don't get too many of them in me, like my brother right now.
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