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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. The problem is, what about all the doctors that would fix it? You would start an underground sterility doctor group. That would be a problem.
  2. Cloning gives no genetic diversity-that's the problem. It can cause serious problems if all you do is clone, no other forms of reproduction.
  3. How can time travel at the speed of light? Explain!
  4. Pause stops the program until you hit enter, so if you want the calculator to display something, and then continue, pause so you can actually read it!
  5. Remember to pause after disp.. and so on.
  6. Well, it isn't. Anyway, BT redliner, what is your theory anyway?
  7. Cloning is good if, for example, those pesticides are killing the babies, so if you make LOADS of them (since there are like 2 left) they can survive easier (after you remove the pesticide). We all know having more makes the population grow faster.
  8. And be able to reproduce more, which in turn starts spreading the new look! (or whatever you want to call it)
  9. No, the dentist did it to me. I suppose that's what he meant to do... I hate dentists!!!
  10. Plasma=superheated gas. I doubt there's a heat limit, it's just you'd need a really good oven to find out!
  11. You are fated to confusion. Mwahahahahaha!
  12. Or below it, yes. Output lets you choose where to put the text. The screen is 8 down by 16 across, so if you do Output(3,8,"Hi!) the Hi! part is at the center. Just type the lines down, then comma, then across, comma, your text (or, a variable or equation NOT in quotes)
  13. I'll miss my molars. It's kind of hard to eat when they hurt, so I can't imagine eating without them.
  14. Try liquid helium. Put it in a flask with a tube running up the middle, and it will squirt up the tube for no apparent reason.
  15. clrhome deletes all that nasty previous text from the screen, so if you were doing something before and didn't hit clear, clrhome clears home.
  16. Is "waggy" even a word? Gandalf is probably buying some LN right now.
  17. I think this thread is DONE! Kaput! It should be locked up, you already did the quadriatic thingy, unless you want more help.
  18. Like a dog?
  19. Ooooh! If the government is involved, you must have also frozen a missile silo!
  20. Well then, try liquid helium II (or is it hydrogen? no, helium) THAT is cold.
  21. My, that was quick.
  22. I warned you! Maybe you should buy some Depends.
  23. Yeah, what about it? !
  24. What happens if someone steps on it?
  25. Exactly like it would be. Oh, and CC didn't look the same because in cats genetics don't determine looks.
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