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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Ok, make a new program named whatever you want. Next, hit prgrm and arrow right to input, and hit enter. In quotations, have whatever you want it to say (like "Variable X") then a comma, then A. Another input with B, and however many you need. Then do Disp (the equation you need using the variables, but not in quotes) There! Program done!
  2. I make really big programs with BASIC. I make games and all that. What you need to do is read chapter 16. It doesn't tell all, but just inferring makes it clear. That and all the people at my school that program. Just ask about something and I can help, I made a whole load of programs. Even one that works between two calculators, just plug them together!
  3. Cap'n Refsmmat


    Columbine! The US just added gun regulation laws and gun protection laws. That and telling people to lock them up.
  4. No, did you read what I wrote? I said it may have changed just after the universe was made, then stayed the same.
  5. Except maybe whoever made the thread. You do have a head, it's just there's nothing in it
  6. Cap'n Refsmmat


    Why not ban the .22 target pistol? It can also be used to kill.
  7. They really aren't meant to be seen, unless you are idssecting something. Even then, that's not what they are meant for. This thread was stupid anyway, who cares?
  8. At least you didn't confuse all of us.
  9. Yes, confusing. I just want to see if you thought the speed of light could change.
  10. Does Taiwan get you going?
  11. I wouldn't like to see it myself, too!
  12. It would reflect, so how'd you get that idea?
  13. Cap'n Refsmmat


    To some people, a gun is for killing other people. That's why they should be regulated.
  14. How could it explain Easter Island and stonehenge and the pyramids?
  15. And, probably, cause more serious damage to yourself, like bashing your head in.
  16. Why couldn't we see?
  17. That was tested, but of course, there is nothing to tell your lungs to breathe or your heart to beat, so you die. If you had a more serious injury, would you look at it and just pass out?
  18. I write at 31 words a minute. Anyway, if light speed was infinite, it would be instantaneous. But, of course, it isn't, as has been proved zillions of times.
  19. o/t= off topic!
  20. Took blood? You mean in another animal, or you?
  21. Cap'n Refsmmat


    We are showing how you don't need a gun, you just need a TV, or screwdriver, or a rolling pin. Guns are unnecessary as long as you have an axe.
  22. Ah, and expanded your vocabulary. How educational.
  23. Or, getting your stomach pumped out.
  24. Who said it was expanding at c?
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