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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Light speed IS NOT infinite, its 186,000 miles per sec. Red shift proves other stars are moving away from us, meaning the universe is expanding.
  2. Aren't there those pills that stop a hangover?
  3. You are not a little child.
  4. It relates because it proves it is expanding. C is not infinite, it is 186,000 miles per second.
  5. Cap'n Refsmmat


    Or, taking your VCR, bash his head into the TV. Nice hat!
  6. Now, now, let's not gross out the little children. Be civil!
  7. I hope you didn't get mad at him.
  8. If something is moving away from you, it will change the frequency of the light and make it reddish. If it is coming towards you, it will become bluish. That is also called the doppler effect.
  9. Cap'n Refsmmat


    Or, if he's stealing stuff out of your toolbox, take a screwdriver to him! Enough of this.
  10. It's because you are stimulated, and if your brain associated that song/smell with something else (like riding in the car hearing it) then you can remember it.
  11. Cap'n Refsmmat


    I think if you want to defend yourself with a gun, don't shoot the burglar, just hold him at gunpoint till the police arrive. Just sneak up on him. Yeah, some people shouldn't have guns, but unfortunately, they get them, and blow us to smithereens. Thats why we need to regulate them.
  12. I see too many of those in these parts.
  13. If there were more, there'd be more than just six. That's why there are only six. That's all we know about.
  14. I think you couldn't give it to him. You'd be dead. Yes, this is a stupid thread.
  15. Good for you. I must be amazing. I actually figured out how it worked! (not that I'm not confused)
  16. But that is sensory stimulation. The only way to prove it is to measure it's displacement, then you will see there is SOMETHING there.
  17. And, of course, time would stop if you go the speed of light.
  18. It is proven the universe is expanding, let's not get into that. If it got slower it would not cause red shift.
  19. See, these things always confuse me. If they are moving away from you at C, but relative to someone else, they are going at c, that is confusing. At least until you account the time changing and so on.
  20. Yes, I might be moving, and you not, and you think YOU are moving. However, if our reference frame is Earth, for example, we know who is moving relative to Earth.
  21. WHAT? Now I'm doomed to confusion for life.
  22. I personally want to wait until he can prove it. It breaks so many laws of physics, and thermodynamics, I want it proved. It may explain things, but I find that I can't believe it.
  23. So the light goes light speed according to him, and to you, since time is just crawling, it is moving away fast. I'll think about it in bed. Don't worry, I can stand losing sleep.
  24. So what happens if you are going 99.999999999% of the speed of light, and you do that. Then it is going ALMOST twice, which isn't possible.
  25. In Discover Magazine, April 2003 (I know it's old, I just now heard about it) there is an article about Joao Magueijo. Aparrently, he came up with the theory that the speed of light hasn't stayed the same over time. It also says that energy can be created and destroyed spontaneously. According to him, it would solve a few of the puzzles of cosmology. The first is how the universe (at the largest scale) appears the same (the galaxies are in a pattern). Because it is believed gravity travels at the speed of light, if the speed of light changed, it could "connect" the universe and let gravity move things into the pattern, except a lot faster. The second is that cosmologists say that the universe is "flat", or poised between eternal expansion and imminent implosion. Less matter, and it expands rapidly until we can't see anything, and more matter would cause it to collapse. Because with this theory energy is created and destroyed, (and space-time bends because of mass and energy) it woul prevent the universe from expanding or shrinking catastrophically (when it gets too big, more energy, thus it slows down and regulates itself). If the universe has too much matter, it's overabundance turns to energy, which simply vanishes. Voila, it's not too big! Magueijo also notes that it only did this in the early universe. To prove the theory, he looked at 68 quasars up to 12 billion light years away. During the light's journey to Earth, it passed through clouds of "intergalactic gas". In doing so, the light's spectra changed, depending on what was in the clouds. But in some clouds, the variation was smaller than expected by one in 100000. So 12 billion years ago the light was moving faster than it is now. Unfortunately for him, the clouds of gas may have had different compositions and densities. He has started an experiment on Earth that will be finished in about a year. What do you think?
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