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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. That confuses me... If it keeps going behind the Earth, how can it do one long exposure?
  2. Can that even be measured?
  3. The oil has a different freezing point, I don't know what. You might want to check. I would suggest (if necessary) to have some way for pressure to get out. Perhaps you could make a chamber up above the pipe to let the oil go up when the pressure is high. That is, unless the oil is under pressure. They don't break right where the ice is is because that is not the weakest point. The pressure builds until the weak point breaks
  4. Um, we can't go the speed of light. Time would be stopped. That is not possible.
  5. Well, he wasn't being specific.
  6. Yes, with one really long exposure time from the Hubble.
  7. If the grenade landed on Pi, a load of religious nuts would commit suicide.
  8. Yes, but then you can put the white powder in the mail and scare people ("Marge! There's anthrax in this letter! AAAAA!")
  9. You said, did the moon ever spin? It is spinning! Just at a speed where as it orbits it rotates to face us all the time.
  10. Maybe because that light is so old that it doesn't show what is currently happening!
  11. Exactly. Fire is not live. It cannot adapt to things, except for the laws of science which govern it.
  12. There is lung disease in my sig because I was seeing how long it took for someone to go "What the heck is THAT word?" Kill the yeast first then, without removing anything from it or adding any toxins.
  13. I'd hate to see what they think of it... I'd like a link to the thread he posts it in.
  14. Take a bunch of yeast (live) and grind it up and add a bit of water. Place it in a bowl on your table. Because it contains all the nutrients necessary for life, it will continue creating the enzymes necessary for it to live. Once it uses up all of it's nutrients (food) it stops.
  15. He obviously thinks you are too boring.
  16. No, it's to EinsteinTheory. I wonder if Einstein would approve of EinsteinTheory's ideas?
  17. I know I can talk cosmology!
  18. Like that person who wanted to make chlorine gas?
  19. Whaever. Either way, this conversation is DEAD.
  20. I rather like my cakes, thank you. We can talk about cosmology, it's just right now we have proved you wrong and so I find nothing to talk about.
  21. In User CP go to options or profile... There is a part about "avatars". If you want, choose one from the list, or find your own as long as its less then 100X100 pixels
  22. If you took yeast,killed it, and groung it up, making a huge slurry of all those enzymes needed to survive, it would start making more and more enzymes until it "died" without input of more nutrients.
  23. They don't need to be smart to survive? If we didn't have all this technology, we could live like doofuses and not have a problem!
  24. That's my job.
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