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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. And one STINKY car! Imagine filling up at a manure station. Whoops! All over the place! I don't like that I idea!
  2. Here it is: The radioactive boy scout
  3. Yes, that is true somewhat. You can get them to go away. It just drops that file from the directory. This could be likened to forgetting something. It is still in your brain, you just can't find it. Eventually you do, and remember it.
  4. We could notice the contraction by measuring blue shift. I have NO clue how to determine any of that, so I don't want to play with advanced physics and astronomy. Way over my head.
  5. What happens if something lives on sulfuric acid and breathes methane? Isn't that possible?
  6. I know someone that MADE their own reflector. She build a 24" tube and mounted it on a wheeled mount that let it turn and tilt. Then she made her own mirror and had it alumnized. After mounting it, voila! a telescope!
  7. Google is the most powerful search engine, you know.
  8. They have a guy called the Planetary Protection Officer (really!) He takes swabs of the lander to make sure there aren't too many bacteria on the spacecraft. But wouldn't they all die in a vacuum with no water (space)?
  9. You know someone almost died doing that. He suddenly realised that his geiger counter was picking it up 5 blocks away. Yipes!
  10. So stupid people are genetic? (just kidding. brain size is not proportional to intelligence) Still, that could be useful. Find out why we humans are big-brained, compared to the monkeys.
  11. never mind. It would just have to be one BIG line! If there was a grade-school teacher they'd have a fit because it wasn't single file.
  12. And then find a Martian with a ray gun hiding behind a rock
  13. So are you saying a toilet should be airtight?
  14. Well said. I couldn't say it better myself.
  15. Once a volcano erupted and the dust was visible EVERYWHERE on the planet, causing tempuratures to fall. I believe it was in the 1800's. I may be mistaken. Think Pompeii! It was miles away from Vesuvius and yet it was doused in ash. Many many feet of it.
  16. Course it doesn't take millions of years. What happens if a volcano goes off and makes the layer? Poof! A layer right there!
  17. What about all the evidence for macroevolution? There is TONS of evidence. All the fossils. All the organisms that are obviously related to other organisms (so close but yet so far) that they could NOT possibly do it themselves. They must be related somehow.
  18. I know. If they were to do that, the "area" would be hundreds wide.
  19. Nice sig, Fairbank. You can't fool me! H20!
  20. Why 90 degrees? I mean that as they walk between the waves, if they go in single file it wold take days. To do it in one day they would have to walk in a very wide line.
  21. Other species probably don't care.
  22. But what about the great flood? And, of course, the fact that when Moses parted the waves, if they went in single file across it would still take them DAYS! If they were to do it in one night, they would have to go thousands wide. Mutations are NOT always harmful. What about one that makes you have big feet? Is that harmful? yeah, whatever.
  23. "I think it would be difficult to prove that vaccines have cured any diseases. I think you will find that cleaning up sanitation laws, inspection of cattle and stuff like that, getting rid of diseased creatures and diseased crops is really what has done the job. Now there may be a coincidence they happened at the same time. Like when they started, you know, vaccinating for one thing and at the same time had better sanitation laws and inspections. It may look like the vaccine cured the disease when actually something else cured the disease." Who came up with that idea? I know it is wrong. For example, the early smallpox vaccine was based on cowpox. He gave it to someone, and exposed them to smallpox. The test subject did not get smallpox.
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