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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. And, of course, there are Mars-related threads in the News section, so this is redundant. Anyway, I 'spose we should talk about Mars. I hear an airbag is blocking the ramp for the rover.
  2. Well, mint tastes cold so the remaining taste tints the water.
  3. must have been defective
  4. I saw that somewhere a long time ago in the New Scientist, I think. It is a good sign, though.
  5. Theres a name for that type of relationship, but unfortunately I forgot. Do you know the name?
  6. Someone told me germs were not air transmitted. Obviously they were talking about something else.
  7. They benefited me! Having dependents is nice now.
  8. Oooh! Interesting! Post instructions! I wanna do it!
  9. Are you saying it was faked?
  10. That what thing with your hand?
  11. I though bacteria typically was not air transmitted!
  12. He never said that. Noah's flood was proved wrong! faf might say that, but only if he had Rad++++++ on his ignore list.
  13. Yes, but what you have seen is not everything! If it is taught in elementary school, I believe most scientists concur.
  14. Who said everything came from nothing? What if there was another universe that compressed then exploded, making ours? And one before? And one before that? Obviously that leaves the question where did the first come from, but where would God come from? And why are there so many religions? The fact there are so many leaves you wondering if ANY is correct. But if all were created originally by someone, why couldn't he jsut be scizophrenic and make it all up? That would make lots of sense.
  15. Why? What if he had a proofreader?
  16. "we" is all the people arguing. What we say makes little difference? Now I am REALLY mad! What we say is genuine arguments and you do not read it! And evolution IS science! Science has proved evolution.
  17. [rant] You haven't seen the remains because you're not an archeologist. Have you watched a special on giraffe evolution? Probably not. Just because you didn't see it doesn't mean it didn't happen. Tell me, did you read all of what we said? Again, I say, lock this thread! It's a worthless thread because all we do now is argue without considering all the evidence. danmoore80 should have easily been convinced long ago, but it's apparent he's not reading it. [\rant] :rant:
  18. And what if the bible was written by a guy in his basement drinking whiskey?
  19. What about anti-biotic resistant diseases? READ OUR POSTS! Please, lock this thread, obviously danmoore80 is not reading what we say and I'm sick of :rant: ing at him for it. Lock it for our sanity.
  20. That's why I said he should read all our posts. This is turning into a :flame: war.
  21. And where did you get that idea? In the seventy years (unlike the millions for evolution) not much will happen. And, some changes may not appear genetic. Take giraffes, for example. It is believed they used to have short necks. Then, when they ate off the low branches of the trees, they couldn't eat much. When one was mutated and had a longer neck, it lived a lot longer than the others, and had loads of offspring. So over many generations they all got long necks. Very plausible.
  22. :rant: Dinosaurs of today are not like the dinosaurs of yesterday. Scientists believe dinosaurs evolved (uh-oh!) into birds. They believe this because the hip structure and such is remarkably like dinosaurs. I also do not believe the people saying they found a Plesiosaurus, unless it is millions of years old. Saying it was lost in transport is a fancy excuse for "I'm lying and I don't have anything for you to see." Read our posts and CONSIDER THEM!! If you sit here and argue without noticing what we counter then it is not an argument! [/rant]
  23. That explains one thing... Did you happen to read these?
  24. When I heard about creation I was already doubting religion just as I doubted Santa Claus. Depends on how you classify "new species". And it takes thousands of years for enough modifications to make it very different. Laboratories aren't around that long. And, according to the New Scientist 28 September 2002 if you stop the protein hsp90 mutations will start showing up. Naturally the protein stops doing it's job when there is a time of stress, making it's offspring have mutations (in flies at least) such as eyes on stalks, wings with different venation patterns and shapes, folded abdomens, different leg structure, like evolution speeded up. THAT is evolution.
  25. Yes, but life can come from all the enzymes, acids, and all those other chemicals necessary for life hitting each other. Then chemical processes made it dissolve something else and take some bits out of it. It is now a basic living thing.
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