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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. You know, on Star Trek when the Enterprise came to Earth, the captain should become older than all his superiors because of this effect.
  2. I do see a face... more of a dent on one side and shadows that look like an eye and a mouth on the other. I saw in "A Journal of Irreproducable Results" (I think thats the name) a MRI or something of someones blood vessels... a dye in it to make them visible formed a shadow of a rabbit! So the "face" is kind of likely.
  3. Yeah... my teacher always says to "connect to prior knowledge" when reading... I do it subconsciously.
  4. Modern rockets don't go counter to earth's rotation, because all that extra speed you get from the earth's spin. THey use that speed so they don't need more fuel.
  5. I've heard of the idea of using enriched uranium rods launched from space as bunker busters. Here is how it works: A satelite carrying the guided rods ejects one downwards out of orbit. Because orbital velocity is 17300 mph, the rod has great speed and penetrating power. When the rod hits the atmosphere it points downwards, transferring the horizontal velocity to vertical at 17300. It is now pointing at the target going straight down. When it hits the target at great speed it shoots through the ground to a predetermined depth. It then explodes and destroys the bunker. Do you think this is possible?
  6. You mean the energy to pull it to the planet? A small rocket or spring ejects it from the satelite. When it hits the atmosphere it then points down to the target, turning horizontal motion into vertical. I'm starting a thread about this. This thread is supposed to be about anti-energy weapons.
  7. I mean, hold your hand holding the bucket out so the bucket swings and hits your head. I guess my book wasn't very specific.
  8. The theory is, do enough studies and you prove your point.
  9. They must do it for the ratings.
  10. Impossible considering what they said... but now I'm not sure they were right... but the henges are in a pattern!
  11. A forum full of what? I hope thats not an insult.
  12. Simple. Move your arm out a bit so the rope's length is from your hand to your head. Bonk! Hey! No, no, no. Geostationary only stays in the same place relative to the earth. Not in space. Geosynchrous is the same. At least that is what the book I read said. It seems you disagree with my book. <edit> To make it hit the earth at 17300 mph I would have little wings that convert horizontal velocity to vertical velocity.
  13. Not cia, SS. Did you hear me say there was a bullet hole in the windsheild of the car? And it was an entry hole? And then they took it and destroyed it? Sounds conspiracy to me!
  14. But it's not goot enough for other people.
  15. Whoa! The straight is in the Nazca Lines, not the henges!
  16. Why pop? Yeah, feedback and The Last Word is good.
  17. Escape velecity is around 5000 mph.
  18. That 17,300 is relative to the earth. If it was moving around the equator, it would be going 17300 faster than the rotation of the earth. When you drop a ball like that, of course it doesn't move forward, it's moving just as fast as the earth. Any satelite except ones in geostationary orbit (the correct term being geosynchrous orbit) are moving faster than the earth, unless they are in a high inclination orbit.
  19. I thought it was the sodium in it, because sodium burns on contact with water. But I must be mistaken. Pity that happens a lot.
  20. I'd like to know too. I'll be reading and suddenly I start thinking about loads of stuff, but my eyes will still be moving. Then I will snap out of it and I have to reread so I know where I was.
  21. Or you could use those pills with the tiny camera in it that takes pictures and transmits them by radio. It even has flash!
  22. Excuse me? Speak for yourself! It is a journal! I have about 200 issues of it! And it IS a good journal! I learned a lot from it. Boy, you hit a nerve. Oh, and "ether" has been proven not to exist. I think the theory was nuts. :bs: I'll explain later.
  23. No, no, no. The nazca lines were created by a giant snowball being rolled across the ground. This was when the area was much colder. The native people wanted to make a giant snowman, so as they rolled it it made the lines.
  24. Depends on relative to what. Relative from outside the universe (if that is possible) then maybe, unless the universe is part of a larger thing, so it is moving, and so on. We cannot find out unless we know that the universe is all there is.
  25. But modern bunker busters can't even go a hundred feet down. They are limited to about 20. Yes, it is guided. Yes, if the nose is thick enough it will melt slowly away like an ablative heat shield and keep it from being fried. Why doesn't it get 17300 of velocity? The satelite is going that fast so if it is launched from the satelite it will be going that fast. <edit> I just realized, the lower the orbit the faster. So it will get even faster before getting out of orbit. What do you say I make a new thread so this one can GET ON TOPIC! This thread is going down the toilet! :toilet: It's supposed to be anti-energy weapons!
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