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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. There is no way to be at rest. If you are at rest relative to the edge of the universe, what happens if the universe is moving?
  2. But when it re-enters the atmosphere it goes at about 17,000 mph plus gravity, so it would be a good bunker buster with some explosives in it!
  3. But... you said U238 was stable but now it isn't! AGREE, PEOPLE! If it's stable is it not radioactive? (stupid question, I know)
  4. Oh, be quiet. Shall we get on topic now? Maybe they (NO! NOT AGAIN!) should make a space station with uranium rods to drop on somebody.
  5. These are dated thousands of years before the Romans. The Romans couldn't measure distance accurately enough to make a pattern thousands of miles wide. If they are long (miles and miles) how can you make them straight? There were no good ways to make them very straight!
  6. I mean, the US! Sorry if I scared you.
  7. They are developing a stealth cruise missile. Attach a nuke to it and voila!
  8. But the Nazca things are REALLY long. And the henges are ALL OVER the place. All over Europe. No one civilization was that big.
  9. Tea has more than antioxidants... I forgot what it is... If I remember I'll say
  10. You're saying troops control the environment?
  11. My point exactly. We may become stupid over time or make our environment killer to life, but that's not evolution. Every one getting more arms to work faster is.
  12. What about plain old anti-oxidants? Prevents you from oxidising (or rusting!) so you look young. The easy way is to go near the speed of light. Do it long enough and your kids will be older than you!
  13. My point is, how they made the pattern. This was thousands of years ago. Something had to do it! I don't know! :shrug:
  14. At least those on social security should go away... too many old farts makes the young people pay for them
  15. To explain the question "Where did it come from" there is a theory that there was a previous universe that for some reason contracted to a TINY dot, then did the Big Bang. That nullifies that there are "incompressible" substances because to explode from a tiny point they WOULD be compressed.
  16. In theory, it is very hard to "degenerate" using evolution. If I died for some human caused event, and others survived, the next time it happened they probably would live. It might kill us first, but then it would help us.
  17. In my opinion humans did evolve. Try http://www.darwinawards.com They are evolution happening!
  18. Or just find a way to isolate antimatter and store it-- voila! A very powerful bomb!
  19. Why use a STM? Complicated don't you think?
  20. Right. Gravity storage would imply gravity has mass and can be held. It doen't have mass, unless "dark matter" is gravity. Potential energy can be sometimes storing gravity (if you call it that way) if, for example, you are on a roller coaster on top of a hill. You have potential energy in gravity. Did I make sense?
  21. If the history book was written AFTER the assasination attempt, it would change, because the publichers would know he wasn't assasinated and change it. That would be strange...
  22. My opinion is Beagle 2 went splat.
  23. Now the question is if Opportunity will make it... 2/3 of all rockets sent to Mars crash. I hope Spirit was worth it!
  24. What is depleted uranium then? Decayed? It must not be radioactive, it's in tank armor and gun shells!
  25. If this were a simulation, and the creators found out we found out, wouldn't they pull the plug? Or do they have satisfaction seeing their creations get mad? The whole idea was in New Scientist magazine a year or two ago.
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