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  1. Actually, I am almost 100% sure it is. And I hope itt can be cured as we read in the textbook. It says Iodine 131 can kill some of the overactive cells of the gland so that it wouldn't be overactive anymore. But Iodine is not the only possible treatment
  2. I haven't typed anything for many weeks now. But I was waiting for this thing to work. But It's empty already and it didn't get any better. Perhaps I will really have to go to a respiratory specialist, but only in summer. I suspect that it's something with the thyroid gland after we studied this in Science class today.
  3. Do aerosols really help? And does it get better after using it a while?
  4. OK. I shall check it after.
  5. Here is its description
  6. Looks like averyone on this forum have asthma. But I've never seen one in school or somewhere else. And why doesn't my aerosol help at all? Maybe I don't use it properly?
  7. Actually, I don't think I have asthma (or maybe another type of it?) The symptomes are a bit different. 1) First of all It's difficult to breathe almost all the time. 2) I can breathe but I always have to make deep breaths or yawn. (by the way - why do we yawn?) 3) Also that aerosol doesn't work yet. 4) Another reason is that I've never had really serious attacks like JustSuit had. 5) I don't have any pain in my chest. So, I guess I will have to go to a respiratorial specialist.
  8. So I went to a doctor. He checked my X-Ray photo - seems like OK. He said that I probably have astma and gave me an aerosol. If I feel better after using it, I have astma. If not, then I will get to go through more tests.
  9. I talked to a nurse. She gave me the address where I can find a respiratory doctor. Also she said that I don't need to bring money at all - only my health insurance card. I am going to go there at weekends.
  10. I don't think so. But it's strange that I have periods of time when I am OK and when I am not OK. For example I feel the best in winter and summer but in autumn and spring my breathing becomes hard
  11. Right now I guess I will go to our local hospital Canada Do I have to pay? Because we have health insurance
  12. I am going to see a respiratory specialist but where do I find him?
  13. To 6431hoho Really???? I already bagan to think that I am the only one with this illness. Have you already gone to a doctor? By the way, I also thought that it's astma Where do I find him? Of course it is. But it looks like my parents don't think so and I have to do it myself
  14. Even if you were 10? And totally depended on your parents? Anyway my general question was - what doctor do I go to? and do I need money for that?
  15. Well, I lived with it for 3-4 years... But this is the only my consolation
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