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About Izzy_Bee

  • Birthday 05/02/1993

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    Biotechnology. Biochemistry
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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Biochemesty, Physics, genetics.
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  1. Science and Religion have never gotton on. So why do people continuosly post their beliefs knowing they will probably get bad feedback, I have my own beliefs yet I do not go on about them. Can you not all keep them to yourselves and let science takes its place here where it belongs.. I am sure there are a lot of religious sites as well. No one knows what 'God' is or who 'God' is. Its what you feel he is.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Izzy_Bee


      Yes I fully agree. Yet I find it vexatious that people can not keep it to themselves, and insist on causing more problems for people. I believe also that many claims of 'God' have already been proven by science, so people should accept this as a 'sign' I am not apophthegm that people shouldn't believe I do myself accredit that there may well be a greature power at work instead of nature. But I am forced more towards rely on science for the future and not religion. I have m...

    3. padren


      Those conversations are that much more fun when you do discover common ground precisely because it's so rare.


      It's always a shame when two people pursue truth and knowledge, yet have to agree "not to discuss some things" due to a failure to communicate.

    4. Izzy_Bee


      Indeed. I don't enjoy uptight, tense conversations. They are useless to me unless I learn something, and I never really do. Thank you for responding to the post. (: Truth

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