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Everything posted by Izzy_Bee

  1. Yes I did have a visit from him. He seems like a idiot to be honest. He should just leave... I'm glad the fishys are well, growing much yet?

    I am glad you are getting better too.


  2. Sorry for the long space in my replies, the tank going well, how many fishy's? (:

  3. oh dear.. how is the fish tank now? Also sorry I havr not replied been busy. Hope all is well.

  4. i see. hope all is well.x

  5. What Once was A Mass Of Biological Celluar Matter And Metaphsical Anti-Mater Now Defines Definition.

  6. Do you want a meaning for it or what? I don't see how you have used it in your work, but don't understand it.. If you don't understand it take it out? Use someting else, if its that you HAVE to use it shouldn't you understand it really? What exactly do you want to know. Have a nice day, Truth
  7. I guess you just got to look around really, Are you wanting to buy the product or just have references to some? http://www.silkscientific.com/-scangel/?gclid=CIiTxtSewKMCFRf92Aod61iheA <-- Look around these types of sites, I am sure you'll find what ever it is you require. Have a nice day, Truth
  8. Well you answered perfectly, I was asking whether you were making a deep pong, or a shallow long one.. Hope your okay, Truth

  9. How deep are you going with it? Or are you stretching it?


  10. They are O.K I guess, I am more for the german shepard. Had them growing up. Now I stick to the kittys. They are les hassle for me. Hope your having a good day.

  11. Aye I suppose so. haha, What breed of dog do you have?

  12. Well, I dont know many 'old retired guys' that say 'lol'

    So thats not so normal. Haha

    Hope your okay.


  13. My cat insists on having my seat out of the other 4 in the room. And he will attack me if I try to move him. What a retard.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Anura


      Im into anatomy and physiology at the momonet. Im getting grays anatomy from the library in a couple of days. I am a bit of a begginer at the field. Biology is so damn interesting. And how about you?

    3. Izzy_Bee


      Biology mainly. But doing a varied course of work in my studys right now, including, astrology, biology, biological engineering, physics, chemistry, and forensics. So I dabble in all of them along with my Ph.D plans. I am sure you are more then welcome here.

    4. Anura


      I like to dabble too in just about every field from physics to geology to meteorolgy. I can keep listing but you get the idea.

  14. Jul28-08, 08:55 AM I Think the IISER college is an accredited university. Here is a link. http://www.iiserbhopal.ac.in/ Hope this helped. Truth
  15. If you are already doing the course shouildn't you be rewarded the certificate? Also What type of certificate are you getting offline, it is illegal to buy some certificates of the web, I thought I would warn you. http://www.icslearn.co.uk/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=ppc&utm_term=online_course&utm_campaign=generics try links like these. Also I could barely understand what you have put which could be why you haven't recieved any replies. Try to be more clear. I was confused mainly by 'And what are the best choice I've?' Best choice of what? Hope you get what you are looking for. I'm sorry I couldn't understand you so well. Truth.
  16. If you need help in any other areas, we are sure to help. Truth.
  17. Hi, The anaylysis is where you sum up your findings at the end, you havent given these so I cant give you an example. I think it depends mainly on what results you got, if for instance there was no correlation or anything with the birds seeing the video and them not seeming to be affected,that they show no reactiona dn don't seem to be able to memorise, images and sounds infront of them. That would be you analysis. However, If each set of pigeons did have a vairied reaction you would have to state this. And maybe add a conclusion, and also a prediction of what you thought may have happened. As for test I am not sure you can do many with pigeons.. haha. How did you results bare out? Truth.
  18. Sounds very interesting.

    So what do you do with your life, I am sorry I amterrible at talking with someone I don't know.. :]

  19. Maybe you should think about it see if you crack this open Thank you for replying Truth I see. Thank you. Truth
  20. I see no one has replied so I guess I shall. :] You want to know about the Earths core formation... I would say go to wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Earth this link has a very volorful descriptive image as well that should help. also what page or maybe box is question 22 in? Have a nice day Truth. I apologize for the long wait for a reply.
  21. You should be D:

    What areas of science do you most enjoy?

  22. Believe me there is a lot of happyness in this Truth. Sometimes to much happyness. Have a nice day.

  23. Heya, you need to start posting and getting around the site more maty. I will see you around later maybe.

  24. Yes I agree most of them are untestible, but you would think with todays modern technology you would be able to prove or disprove some of them. Thats what gets me most.. The gold fish was a fun example. And I see what youa re saying, but another thing that really grinds me is O.K so we all have a hench that 'God' or thie 'higher power' is out there. But if for instance I went of around my town screaming 'God' had talked to me it wouldn't be long until some authoritie came and removed me physically. I see it happen all the time. People trying to get people to believe and help in 'Gods work' and when they do they are pretty much tagged as mad. Who can prove that some one suffering from a disorder where they swear they see something.. God, are not seeing this, what about when people say they see an angel or the devil or a ghost... they get locked up and drugged up like the goverment are trying to keep us quiet.. It really F's me off. Thank you for you wonderful reply. Truth. Nice way of putting it. Higfive to you.
  25. We are not suppose to give you the answers. They seem pretty simple to me, When you trough something upwards it will slow due to, air resistance and gravity.. As it comes back down it will pick up speed it will excellerate downwards at 9.81 meters per second per second. The fil in the gaps.. Assuming there is a bucket on the end to get the water from the well using the rope, wells are normally down, sometimes they go to a underground stream, so if you angle the bucket if there was one straight down it will hit the bottom of a bent well, and not get much water at all. . If it was a normal straight one then you would pull on the rope.. and it would hopefully be filled if the bucked had collected any water. I think thats enough (: Need any other help just ask. Truth.
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