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Everything posted by Izzy_Bee

  1. Hey matey, sorry I not texted back much and stuff lately been so busy, I think you will enjoy it here. Come to chat is more direct. =] Donna.

  2. Thats a really good answer to be honest. Made me think about it more. Thank you. Truth.
  3. I am sure you could work aroud it to be hinest with you. And he said he dont want to buy one. And I also otioned other ideas. Thanks for your attention though. Truth.
  4. I mean the only difference I do see is the 'Rules' of 'God' and the image people say 'God' portrays. Would it ever be possible everyone agree on a 'ultimate God'. I understand what you say maybe I worded it wrong but I did say 'in any religion' summing up any 'God' any one would want to talk about. I am sure science will one day give the answer. I just wondered on everyones else's opinion. Thank you for your reply. Truth This is good reply to my question you understood it for what I was asking thank you. If 'God' was proved then I am sure there would be some one claiming the 'Devil' must also excist. This would open a whole neew kettle of fish, and terror, and worry. So they try to disprove the 'Devil' in some cases. I believe this is wrong. I for one think 'God' is a persons own belief,and groups almost share their beliefs and then publicly share them and other who feel they need to be a part of something join. And that is how a religion is made. I am certain if I got enough people to say 'Oh the mighty gold fish will save us all' I would slowly form a new religion/group. I also think 'God' to people is what they wish him/her (or what ever) to be. We all have something we aspire to live for, mine is to become a molecula biologist.. So where is my 'God'? (retorical). Its large area to get around and I am just saying; - 'God' is like a invisible friend (like imaginary ones some kids have when little) And people when they feel they need someone more then they have they turn to this 'greater power' Yet I am sure they don't really know what it is, but its the idea you are not alone. And people rely on this. Its juat an idea. Thank you for you reply. Truth
  5. Oh I see why you added me, I guess you have found Truth.. Happy?

  6. Dont you think maybe one thing.. E.g. Science will not over power it, or maybe religion will overpower everything else?
  7. Just curios to know what you all think will prove or disprove that God is really out there. Science? Or not... Ideas..
  8. Your videos are very well done. -thumbs up- I am sure you will teach many things. jUst make sure you are 100% on what you are saying. God Job. Truth
  9. Use your eyes, Say for instance you have 200kg of salt, You need 50kg only.. You would predict A quarter of the bag right... If you have to be precise then I would say maybe talk to you Prof. Explain you can't buy one and maybe spend the time doing the experiment after hours? I would say attempt to use your eyes and common sence GoodLuck, Truth
  10. CONGRATULATIONS! I am sure we will be happy to help good luck with Masters! Truth
  11. If youw ant a sight that can help you then I would suggest this one, there is always some one around to help. As for your answer I believe it is wrong. Have a calculator handy and try again. Good luck with your exam prep and exam. Truth
  12. Hi, I would suggest maybe looking at other ways of attempting the experiment, look at risk factors around all of them and see which has the LEAST. And as you are doing it take all precausions to be as spot on as you can, if you approuch a hard part then take a step back from the table or what ever and evaluate the sitution. Have a nice time Truth.
  13. Hey I do not fully understan you so I am guessing others wont, Where are you from, Pakistan? Also are you trying to SELL stuff or just PROMOTE? If so how do you plan to do any of these things, do you have a plan? Have a nice time here. Truth.
  14. I have had a brief go on one. Here you go a link. http://www0.shopping.com/xFS?KW=variscope&CLT=SCH There is quiet a few, Depends if you want new or second hand and your budget. Truth
  15. I dont work with turbidity stds but understand to an extent what do you need? Truth
  16. http://genome.wellcome.ac.uk/doc_WTD023539.html There you go.
  17. Science and Religion have never gotton on. So why do people continuosly post their beliefs knowing they will probably get bad feedback, I have my own beliefs yet I do not go on about them. Can you not all keep them to yourselves and let science takes its place here where it belongs.. I am sure there are a lot of religious sites as well. No one knows what 'God' is or who 'God' is. Its what you feel he is.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Izzy_Bee


      Yes I fully agree. Yet I find it vexatious that people can not keep it to themselves, and insist on causing more problems for people. I believe also that many claims of 'God' have already been proven by science, so people should accept this as a 'sign' I am not apophthegm that people shouldn't believe I do myself accredit that there may well be a greature power at work instead of nature. But I am forced more towards rely on science for the future and not religion. I have m...

    3. padren


      Those conversations are that much more fun when you do discover common ground precisely because it's so rare.


      It's always a shame when two people pursue truth and knowledge, yet have to agree "not to discuss some things" due to a failure to communicate.

    4. Izzy_Bee


      Indeed. I don't enjoy uptight, tense conversations. They are useless to me unless I learn something, and I never really do. Thank you for responding to the post. (: Truth

  18. What is electricity, where can we find electricity, from which word electricity was form from and what are the funtion of electricity Electricity is a vital need in today world. It powers almost everything but Solar (and a few others) You can find electricity; Tidal Wave Solar Wind Many more. Electricity (from the New Latin ēlectricus, "amber-like") <- (Wiki)
  19. http://www.allmovie.com/keyword/genetic-engineering-29185 There is like 100 there. Hope this helped. ~Gero
  20. n = M/Mr n = number of moles M= mass of reactant or product Mr = relative atomic mass You have the figures just put them in the formula.
  21. This is a lot like FaceBook... "/

    1. JohnB


      What makes you say that?

    2. Izzy_Bee


      I am sorry for such a long reply. Because they lay out seems so familiar. The 'whats on your mind' bit especially. Have a nice day JohnB.

  22. I like the GIGABYTE 870A-UD3 Motherboard, the features including SATA 3, USB 3 and USB 3X Power. As it rated a excellent additions to the standard motherboard feature set. And I agree. I know a good place to look for motherboards if you want think link. Hope this helped. PM me.
  23. Maybe you have a problem with your computers security, If they are continuously hacking you then maybe someone has put some sort of softwear on your computer? I think maybe you should get a whole new maching. Start a new, especialy if it has costed you a job..
  24. Thank you, Your welcome.
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